Release TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version
@Karellen ,
Thanks a lot.. you are a saviour.
I tried as you mentioned. Not worked initially.
Then I realised, you mentioned is for movies.
Once i Edited same in TV shows scraper also, worked like charm.

Thanks again for your time & effort.

After changing language to Telugu, I see only square boxes (unknown fonts) instead of  Telugu title.
Not sure, how to fix that. can find proper also.
Any guidance will be great.

Is it logical to include "English translated Title" for non english titles. if user interface is set in english.

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RE: TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version - by saran008 - 2022-05-12, 11:38
Unseen English Landscaps - by Bindou - 2023-01-26, 14:48
RE: Unseen English Landscaps - by Bindou - 2023-01-27, 15:29
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TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version0