"Symbol" skin updated
not really. we use proportional fonts, so their width isn't just a multiple of the number of characters, as each character is a different width, and also the spacing can effect things.

there should be a way to limit the amount of text rendered just like we do for the list controls etc.

i'll download your skin when i have time and pop a fix in for you - probably won't have nifty scrolling labels or anything, but should at least stop it overwriting other stuff.

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Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-27, 15:25
[No subject] - by bobrooney_78 - 2004-09-28, 13:30
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-28, 15:57
[No subject] - by bobrooney_78 - 2004-09-28, 16:31
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-29, 20:08
[No subject] - by pike - 2004-09-29, 20:12
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-29, 23:29
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-09-30, 10:57
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-01, 10:55
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-10-01, 11:47
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-01, 12:40
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-14, 20:07
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-19, 11:30
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-10-22, 07:22
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-22, 14:49
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-10-23, 07:54
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-28, 18:35
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-02, 23:29
[No subject] - by pin87a - 2004-11-03, 02:07
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 08:35
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-11-03, 13:05
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 13:41
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 13:44
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 16:34
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 17:03
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-11-03, 18:14
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 18:17
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-08, 16:50
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-09, 20:45
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