Release TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version
Hi Karellen,
I refer to IMDB, because the scraper (despite its name) has the good idea to recognize the files named with their IMDB Id. 
Now I find one of my series also on TMDB - example :
Then maybe I could name my file with its TMDB Id. The only problem is that I don't know where it is ? (I see an Id in the URL, but for the season, not for an episode.
Or name it as TMDB, for example Chez Maupassant Season 1 Episode 1 (xxxx) (Where 'xxxx' is the release year) ?

I found an other example that was not scraped  : - Most dangerous game (2020) is also existing in TMDB :
It is supposed to be a serie.. but it's also a movie, as seen in the IMDB trivia : "In several countries, this series was released on Amazon Prime edited together as a 2 hour feature." My movie indeed is 2:07 long.
I don't understand how the Search engine of TMDB works ; if I search for "Most Dangerous Game (2020)" - there is nothing in return. But if I type "Most Dangerous Game" .. it's found as "Most Dangerous Game (2020)" ?
Does this mean that I have to not enter the year ? It's dangerous, so many movies have the same name over the years...
Well anyway thank you for your answer, I understand that TMDB returns only the "movies". (But I think that previously it used to work on "Mini series" also.. but not 100% sure)

Thank you,


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