adblink 6.2 Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi
Your image (of an error?) didn't paste. The link goes to some auto site. 

>> console button doesn't work so I opened a terminal as admin

Not the same. First, admin's not required and second, adbLink's internal console routines provides paths and scripts for adbLink's adb.exe, scrcpy.exe, busybox  and more. If the console button isn't working your adbLink installation is broken. I'd reinstall, also uninstalling whatever adb.exe you first installed prior to installing adbLink.
adbLink The Kodi Companion. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux.

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adbLink v 3.6 released - by jocala - 2018-02-28, 22:57
RE: adbLink 5.1: Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi - by jocala - 2022-11-06, 23:13
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