Beta Testflight access to beta version
Plot thickens…

Movies loads in the actors slowly too. But, no spinner ever shows up. The poster art does immediately load though. The last thing to load is the fanart used for ken burns which does take probably the 20 seconds.

Maybe for movies the spinner is not enabled? Strange that movies wouldn’t have the same issue. There’s way more actors in movies, same Ember Media manager, and same high resolution content. There’s gotta be some difference in the app if it works fine on movies but not Tv shows.

Edit: Accessing movie details from the “Added Movies” view (the one I said I liked the unique layout on a few weeks back) results in a split second spinner in the view before loading the movie details. This results in the ken burns fanart being available immediately vs accessing it from the plain movie view. There’s definitely a difference in how the app is pulling in the data.

Maybe you can change artwork priority. Really the poster and fanart for ken burns should be given priority for loading. Actor art can “lazy load”.

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2023-03-21, 03:59
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