Beta Testflight access to beta version
For the progress slider that’s works in that scenario. But that might be just because of the color it transitions to. Since the color it transitions to is variable it might not work as well on another color. Hard to tell without checking against such a case. As for your preview video, yes I agree it looks a lot better.

For the volume slider Kodi Blue looks fine. Tbh I thought all along it matched the Kodi blue. I learned something!

Btw, there is another race condition I have worked to reproduce but don’t have a single clue about it.

Sometimes when I return to the main menu and simply pull it down, multiple items will be selected. You can tell as one will have a light gray background colored tile. Usually it’s after the app has been open for awhile. For example I finish an episode of tv and navigate back. I have tried for a few months on coming up with some way to reproduce but nothing seems to work. Best I can do is provide a screenshot next time I catch it. Maybe you can use this information to conduct some analysis.

Edit: happened while testing the now playing comparison.


Finally go around to testing iPad again. Found a slight graphical glitch. When you have floating panes visible and they’re overlapping the now playing playlist there’s a visible line overlapping the floating panes.


Also I noticed a difference between iPhone and iPad now playing screens. Unless I’ve unknowingly changed a setting, iPhone misses out on a neat feature from iPad. The background as well as the text changes based on the average color. On iPhone I’m only seeing the text change color.

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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2023-07-28, 21:02
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