Beta Metadata Editor - Update library + .nfo informations
Hello, hopefully I am in the right area for this post...

My question is about medadata editor and how its nfo is/is not written.
I am using kodi 18.9, titan mod vanilla skin, and downloaded medadata editor from the kodi repository (I think it was vers 2.1?). (I tried the 3.0 via zip, but I get an install error.)
All my scraping is done using TMM on my computer, then in kodi (on my TV box) I tell it to only scrape local info... all movies are in separate folders

When using medadata editor in kodi, any changes I make are seen by kodi fine, but when I scan my HDD again using TMM, TMM does not see any of the changes I made in medadata editor.
It seems the nfo file itself is not being written to. I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I tried changing the title and also the movie set (and a few other fields). These changes work fine in kodi but are not seen in TMM.
Experimenting, I tried also the 'update nfo' option after making any changes, but TMM still does not see the changes

Thanks.. if you need any more info just ask..

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RE: Metadata Editor - Update library + .nfo informations - by acevideo - 2023-09-24, 13:29
Metadata editor error - by BartZorn - 2023-02-23, 10:02
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