Solved Screen flickers like crazy when kodi is fullscreen on screen#2 and a program is on #1
Same. Tried everything... Nothing works. 

Since Kodi 19, so a few years now, screen flickering during alt+tab... Now on Kodi 21, this still happening. Nvidia card. Tried different drivers and etc. I dont use any external monitors, no wires connected etc. 

Tried to install win update KB4568831, but wasnt able to - although I assume it doesnt matter, when I have no new updates, Im up to date with all recent ones... You can see on reddit people still have same problem, NO SOLUTION yet... 

Someone said: 'I recompiled Kodi to use DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL instead of DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD and it worked'..

I have no idea how to do it. Googled - nothing. I couldnt even find DeviceResources.cpp file anywhere. 

I understand that no one has a duty to help anyone and tech savy people think stupid people should suffer, but maybe someone still will be able to help??

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RE: Screen flickers like crazy when kodi is fullscreen on screen#2 and a program is on #1 - by dklp - 2023-10-08, 22:54
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Screen flickers like crazy when kodi is fullscreen on screen#2 and a program is on #10