adblink 6.1 Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi

Version 6.1

File manager dialog geometry saved between sessions.

Start program dialog: The Start program choice is now saved between sessions

Stop program dialog: The Stop program choice is now saved between sessions

Send text to device: Send text string to active input field on connected device

Quest headset (beta): Change various settings on the Quest headset. Tested with Quest 2/3.
Changes are not persistent, and are cleared by rebooting the device.
adbLink The Kodi Companion. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux.

Messages In This Thread
adbLink v 3.6 released - by jocala - 2018-02-28, 22:57
RE: adblink 6.1 Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi - by jocala - 2024-04-12, 22:08
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adblink 6.1 Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi2