Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)
I was looking at the readme file for your Classificationicons pack and how you've implemented these icons into your skin. I also noticed your point about some ratings using the old naming scheme, that an illegal colon character is used. This is certainly true for my own country (UK). I wanted to ask if you were aware of any other countries that have this same issue with a colon character being used or if there was anywhere I could look to get this info?
I very much share the same sentiments and frustration you have expressed on how these ratings are currently handled.
Anyway, your resource pack is way more up-to-date than what I'm using currently, so will be able to make very good use of these on my own skinning project.

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How i add submenus - by rouchi - 2020-04-23, 19:31
RE: Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot) - by Dumyat - 2024-04-15, 16:04
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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)1