Release - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
How are you getting this to pass?


<value condition="$EXP[isEpisode]">5000|info=details|true|noop||5001|info=cast&season=$INFO[ListItem.Season]&episode=$INFO[ListItem.Episode]|true|info||5002|info=crew|true|info</value>

VSCODE flags the & where it needs to be amp; as an XML invalid entry??
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: Replacing Embuary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 10% TV Shows: 0% Music: 0%

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RE: TheMovieDB Helper - by jurialmunkey - 2019-07-31, 11:47
RE: - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners - by kittmaster - 2024-07-15, 01:22
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