Beta Testflight access to beta version
Bizarre. Here’s a video. I launched everything fresh for the video. I had to press the down arrow because of a new Kodi server bug where if I don’t interact with Kodi before my Phillips hue addon launches then Kodi freezes so you can ignore that.

Then of course I hesitated because I was trying to recall the exact steps. Basically the important things I do are attempt to display subtitles then execute a command. This lets you see the inconsistent dimensions (green toast visible below red toast).

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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 15:26
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 18:36
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:01
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:44
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:47
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:57
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 19:28
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:13
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:25
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 13:34
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2024-08-03, 13:41
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