Release - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
Hi Hitcher, thank you for the quick response!

Since your response I've tried several variations on your suggestion...but, nothing has changed. I still get a blank/black screen. Here's what I've done:

1.) I modified the path using plugin:// path you posted using the GUI smart playlist "Edit" function. I copied the your plugin path and pasted it into the GUI's path field. When I open/view the smart playlist file the GUI created, the path name was changed to plugin:// (note the additional amp added to the path). Same result...blank/black screen.
2.) I edited the smart playlist using Notepad ++ and pasted your plugin path directly into the smart playlist's "value" field. Same result...blank/black screen.
3.) I changed the smart playlist's "operator" to "starts with" from "contains". Same result...blank/black screen.
4.) The GUI saves the smart playlist to ~~userdata>playlists>videos. So, I copied the smart playlist from that directory to ~~addons>skin.arctic.zephyr.mod>extras>playlists. When I add the smart playlist to an Arctic Zephyr widget I have two options to add the smart playlist. One is identified as smart playlist TheMovieDb Helper 'Video Playlist" and the other option is smart playlist TheMovieDb Helper "Skin Playlist". No variation between selecting "Video Playlist" or "Skin Playlist" made any difference. Same result...blank/black screen.

Oh, for every change I made, I exited Kodi and restarted/loaded Kodi. I did not reboot the Shield.

So, I'm still stumped...any idea why this is happening? I don't know what I'm doing incorrectly. Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
RE: TheMovieDB Helper - by jurialmunkey - 2019-07-31, 11:47
RE: - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners - by Obsidian1 - 2024-08-04, 21:31
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