[RELEASE] MyMovies.DK Video Scraper
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Introducing the MyMovies.DK Video Scraper for XBMC. It is now possible to use the MyMovies.DK meta database via an API - without the need for a PC or Server.

MyMovies.DK wiki with information about this scraper and the use of it.

It has taken along time to create this scraper but it has been a lot of fun and I've learned stuff along the way about both XBMC and regular expressions. I've even had to create a few patches to get XBMC to "behave" to my needs (fixed a bug in NfoUrl and made it possible to overrule XBMC's sorting). The support for error dialogs was added by Spiff so that login problems can be reported to the user.
Now it's out there and I hope at least a few people will like it and use it.

Finally I would like to thank Spiff and Nicezia for their help.


Messages In This Thread
[RELEASE] MyMovies.DK Video Scraper - by ultrabrutal - 2009-08-05, 23:03
[No subject] - by ultrabrutal - 2009-08-11, 10:26
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2009-10-15, 02:27
MyMovies.xml Scraping? - by gusf1 - 2009-12-18, 00:47
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-12-18, 02:04
[No subject] - by mkortstiege - 2009-12-18, 08:55
[No subject] - by gusf1 - 2009-12-18, 21:15
[No subject] - by bleze - 2010-01-20, 13:02
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2010-01-21, 03:38
[No subject] - by dnadna - 2010-01-26, 11:54
[No subject] - by spiff - 2010-01-26, 19:34
[No subject] - by bleze - 2010-01-27, 09:55
[No subject] - by dnadna - 2010-01-27, 17:18
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2010-01-28, 10:28
[No subject] - by bleze - 2010-01-28, 13:02
[No subject] - by spiff - 2010-01-28, 14:19
No actors thumbs - by lifeisfun - 2010-02-08, 23:27
[No subject] - by bleze - 2010-02-09, 14:17
[No subject] - by lifeisfun - 2010-02-09, 23:05
[No subject] - by bleze - 2010-12-16, 16:06
[No subject] - by alex.ba - 2011-04-28, 12:54
[No subject] - by alex.ba - 2011-05-03, 18:01
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[RELEASE] MyMovies.DK Video Scraper1