1080P Transparency... when?
Going to be a little controversial here.... but...

There's still a majority of end users users using 720p (ish) screens, and even those with 1080, are still using 720p resolution.

Whilst a 1080 display might seem a highly desirable thing, to really benefit from the higher resolution (get more screen real estate), lots of images would have to remain the same size and thus effectively appear smaller on screen.
If the resolution of the images increased, then yes, there'd be an increase in quality but no real use of extra screen estate...

Since many folks seem surprised that Aeon and other skins are actually 720p, that tells me that few people are missing the increased clarity of images!

Is it really worth an upshift to 720? I doubt it. Esp with a skin like Transparency that has such minimal UI anyway (minimal in your face icons / skin assets etc)

Messages In This Thread
1080P Transparency... when? - by Arquizona - 2009-09-15, 23:11
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-15, 23:23
[No subject] - by Shalashaska - 2009-09-16, 00:42
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-16, 00:46
[No subject] - by r1ctus - 2009-09-20, 20:44
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-21, 00:10
[No subject] - by rbonon - 2009-09-21, 00:44
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-21, 01:06
[No subject] - by rbonon - 2009-09-21, 05:16
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-21, 14:33
Controversy... - by AnalogKid - 2009-09-21, 14:47
[No subject] - by infy - 2009-09-21, 15:09
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-21, 15:24
[No subject] - by minimalko - 2009-09-21, 16:54
[No subject] - by stokedfish - 2009-09-21, 17:50
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-21, 18:13
[No subject] - by AnalogKid - 2009-09-21, 18:24
[No subject] - by minimalko - 2009-09-21, 19:42
[No subject] - by Derek - 2009-09-22, 15:26
[No subject] - by costa - 2009-09-22, 21:15
[No subject] - by Adam B. - 2009-09-23, 20:43
[No subject] - by rbonon - 2009-09-28, 14:27
[No subject] - by ronie - 2009-09-28, 19:53
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1080P Transparency... when?0