do I need XBMC?
I gotta agree with everyone else on this.

You -CAN- do this with other software, but why? Laugh Install it & give it a roll, I think you'll be extremely impressed.

XBMC is beautiful & once set up exceptionally easy to navigate with the remote.

For TV, depending on your location/tuner type, there are many options. I use MythTV & an HD-Homerun for ATSC broadcasts, but I still end up going back to the native myth frontend client more often then not :-(.... Though the Myth integration in XBMC keeps growing by leaps & bounds, for ME, it's 'not there yet' (though many are using it & loving it). I'm extremely excited about the PVR branch & myth:// library integration for TV that seem to be on the near-ish horizon.

I've been using XBMC since it was XBMP, and it's amazing to me how it never fails to get better with every release!

Messages In This Thread
do I need XBMC? - by Gnome - 2009-12-05, 23:11
[No subject] - by ppic - 2009-12-05, 23:25
[No subject] - by blittan - 2009-12-06, 00:29
[No subject] - by WeirdH - 2009-12-06, 00:40
[No subject] - by Soul - 2009-12-06, 17:12
[No subject] - by Tariella - 2009-12-06, 21:06
[No subject] - by TheDuffMan - 2009-12-06, 21:23
[No subject] - by Akkuma - 2009-12-26, 17:31
Nobody NEEDS XBMC... - by pablofred - 2009-12-26, 20:18
[No subject] - by crackers - 2009-12-26, 21:16
[No subject] - by rupert - 2009-12-26, 21:25
[No subject] - by pre1014 - 2009-12-26, 22:23
[No subject] - by Akkuma - 2009-12-27, 03:23
[No subject] - by pablofred - 2009-12-27, 19:11
[No subject] - by crackers - 2009-12-27, 20:11
[No subject] - by Raketemensch - 2009-12-27, 20:40
[No subject] - by MarkTaunton - 2009-12-27, 21:07
[No subject] - by azgul - 2009-12-29, 09:07
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