Number of the movies?
I third that. I don't like making requests either but the movie count seems like it would be really great. Of course, it's ultimately up to you since you made the skin. I know I have the option of modding it myself, but that probably won't happen.

Messages In This Thread
Number of the movies? - by smilenkovski - 2010-07-12, 21:45
[No subject] - by mcborzu - 2010-07-13, 02:41
[No subject] - by smilenkovski - 2010-07-13, 03:12
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-13, 07:27
[No subject] - by fonzie - 2010-07-14, 00:49
[No subject] - by Ram2000 - 2010-07-14, 14:36
[No subject] - by nmt1978 - 2010-07-14, 15:15
[No subject] - by Mar16 - 2010-07-15, 19:11
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-15, 19:25
[No subject] - by mcborzu - 2010-07-15, 19:37
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-15, 19:53
[No subject] - by Ram2000 - 2010-07-17, 14:12
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