Number of the movies?
hikaricore Wrote:I don't really have a problem with adding a label myself as I've done this kinda thing already.
However, honestly I still think it should/could be part of the skin especially with others requesting it.


It's already inBig Grin It now is part of Global clock...I posted my response saying its done in the Custom Playlist thread by mistake, too lazy to fix it since it will be uploaded tonight...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC

Messages In This Thread
Number of the movies? - by smilenkovski - 2010-07-12, 21:45
[No subject] - by mcborzu - 2010-07-13, 02:41
[No subject] - by smilenkovski - 2010-07-13, 03:12
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-13, 07:27
[No subject] - by fonzie - 2010-07-14, 00:49
[No subject] - by Ram2000 - 2010-07-14, 14:36
[No subject] - by nmt1978 - 2010-07-14, 15:15
[No subject] - by Mar16 - 2010-07-15, 19:11
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-15, 19:25
[No subject] - by mcborzu - 2010-07-15, 19:37
[No subject] - by hikaricore - 2010-07-15, 19:53
[No subject] - by Ram2000 - 2010-07-17, 14:12
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