TheTVDB keeps giving me the wrong info...
For any one still following this thread, my problem seems to have resolved itself. Maybe TVDB results are cached or something.

Best of luck to you.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by paul - 2011-01-31, 02:27
[No subject] - by gabbott - 2011-01-31, 02:29
[No subject] - by chillaxtian - 2011-01-31, 03:31
[No subject] - by steelman1991 - 2011-01-31, 10:03
[No subject] - by sneakysneaky - 2011-02-02, 17:37
[No subject] - by sneakysneaky - 2011-02-15, 17:09
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TheTVDB keeps giving me the wrong info...0