[RELEASE] Chinese keyboard addon module
I make this addon module to support input Chinese in xbmc. python developers can import this addon to input Chinese. and I think the better way is change the internal keyboard to addon, so we can select custom keyboard addon to support input any language we want.

Source code manage in project xbmc-addons-chinese.

Download version here

And install "script.module.keyboard.chinese-xxx.zip" from XBMC Addons Manager and select "Install from zip file"

This module use Baidu Online Pinyin IME (http://olime.baidu.com/) to input Chinese words.

1. Add required import in your addon.xml
    . . .
    <import addon="script.module.keyboard.chinese" version="1.0.0"/>

2. Normal Use ChineseKeyboard
import ChineseKeyboard
keyboard = ChineseKeyboard.Keyboard(default,heading)
if (keyboard.isConfirmed()):
    input_string = keyboard.getText()

screen shot for xbmc 13:

screen shot for kodi 14:

Messages In This Thread
[RELEASE] Chinese keyboard addon module - by taxigps - 2011-03-31, 18:13
[No subject] - by eemm - 2011-04-02, 08:10
Patch for Dharma xmbc release - by cmeng - 2012-01-07, 04:54
[No subject] - by taxigps - 2012-02-05, 06:04
[No subject] - by StoVine - 2012-02-15, 04:00
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[RELEASE] Chinese keyboard addon module0