My go to skin / plexbmc again
It depends what you are running.

With the release of a windows version of Plex client (based on dharma) there is less need for the XBMC addon. That said, I'm looking at producing a final version focussed on Eden only. With this, I'm hoping to mod the Quartz skin to add in the recently added and "on deck" stuff.

Whether I continue after this depends on how well the plex client develops; might be easier to make the plex client run XBMC addons :-)

Messages In This Thread
My go to skin / plexbmc again - by Shoesy - 2011-11-01, 20:03
[No subject] - by hippojay - 2011-11-01, 21:14
RE: - by jjense01 - 2012-03-15, 18:53
RE: - by pecinko - 2012-03-16, 02:30
RE: - by jjense01 - 2012-03-16, 05:12
[No subject] - by Shoesy - 2011-11-02, 02:31
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2011-11-02, 15:19
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2011-11-02, 15:21
[No subject] - by Shoesy - 2011-11-02, 19:54
[No subject] - by dgm1960 - 2011-12-20, 14:28
[No subject] - by pecinko - 2011-12-22, 11:58
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My go to skin / plexbmc again1