[Eden] CU Lyrics unusable?
Glad I could help! You can basically just use my code change - it won't hurt and definitely helps with certain issues, notably anything with "&" or " ' " in it(e.g. George Thorogood & The Destroyers, Don't Fear the Reaper, etc).

For the Rush tune (great pick!) and others, everything depends on how LyricsTime does it's "fuzzy" search, and from what I've seen it ain't exactly google! So no Python scraper in the world is gonna help much there.

Perhaps one of the skilled programmers out there can help this script out by allowing the user to enter a search string containing some of the lyrics, and submit that to LyricsTime!

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but at least that should improve things for ya a lot!

Cheers, Damian
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
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If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!

Messages In This Thread
[Eden] CU Lyrics unusable? - by Jackie78 - 2012-01-06, 17:28
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-06, 18:03
[No subject] - by Tesla - 2012-01-07, 21:30
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-08, 03:17
[No subject] - by Tesla - 2012-01-08, 22:02
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-08, 22:17
[No subject] - by Tesla - 2012-01-08, 23:24
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-09, 05:37
[No subject] - by amet - 2012-01-09, 11:17
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-09, 17:07
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