How to make smart playlist to "Eden" home menu item
You need to edit the IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml...

There in you have the sub for movies:

<include name="HomeSubMenuMovies">

then you have to create a button for the entry:

<control type="button" id="90167">
    <label>Name of your button here</label>

This requires that the playlist is in the skin folder "playlists"...
But you also can change the path to whatever you like...

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Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-11, 09:21
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-11, 09:53
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-11, 11:33
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 11:35
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-12, 11:47
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 12:07
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-12, 12:27
[No subject] - by mad-max - 2012-01-12, 12:51
[No subject] - by adsi - 2012-01-14, 05:17
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How to make smart playlist to "Eden" home menu item1