Live HD sport...possible to get it more natual looking with xbmc?
Using the ion optimized deinterlacer, 1080i tvheadend streams are stutter free for me with my nvidia ion pc which is great. However it doesn't look natural at all when watching live sports. Its like your watching a movie not a live soccer match.

Is there anything that can be done?

Messages In This Thread
Live HD sport...possible to get it more natual looking with xbmc? - by moontan77 - 2011-11-02, 22:41
[No subject] - by FernetMenta - 2011-11-03, 11:55
[No subject] - by ant_thomas - 2011-11-03, 18:20
[No subject] - by moontan77 - 2011-11-07, 19:01
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Live HD sport...possible to get it more natual looking with xbmc?0