Allwinner A10 : Is XBMC ported to MALI-400MP ?
(2012-11-19, 21:16)jtermors Wrote: servili007: 1rst we would like to thank for this release and work on, above points as plinking cursor could be removed, also wireless (wicd wicd-curses) preinstalled? Please have also a look that there is an seperated uboot for 512 RAM as for 1GB RAM. And an option to flash it to NAND. Perhaps we should ask Guillaume for a script to flash the correct uboot? Network-Manager would be great in XBMC (there is a plugin for it but doesnt work yet) maybe it could be matched? Also to keep space strip out the image a bit x11-common and network-manager it self, as in the instructions for now. And it's for the time beeing a verry great image to use. Smile Also thank you Katch, you dont mind if i used youre tips in this request? Wink

My six months old son has now a tv to look cartoons on, so he is happy too Big Grin

-I'll probably do future releases without tty1 enabled (blinking cursor)

-network-manager and wpa-supplicant are now functional again, wicd and curses will be removed. Network-Manager can interact with the plugin in xbmc (this is still in testing though, sometimes it doesn't play nice)

-I may strip out some packages, but for the most part I want everything to work first before trying to squeeze every .01% gain of space/performance, so this may have to wait or be up to the user.

-uboot flashing is an easy task for anyone with a linux machine handy, and I'll probably start including some script.bins for other machines in the FAT partition and let users swap in the one they want after writing it to the SD card (similar to how j1nx did on his releases).

-Once the release is extra-stable and functional, I will make it nand flashable.

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RE: Allwinner A10 : Is XBMC ported to MALI-400MP ? - by servili007 - 2012-11-19, 21:49
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