Xbmc Eden Ubuntu 12 crashes constantly
might be the dist-update that was causing issues and not a fresh install. I know from past experience that somethings can break otherwise, andI don't want to begin thinking of how many times I had to use fresh installs back in the day when linux first came out, but then I was doing experiemental and testing all the time and compiled everything from code.. 12.04 is a LTS release it would seem more fitting for a STB where one wouldn't have to have the latest software. For me I use a Ubuntu minimal with XBMC installed and X with the desktop environment, so a constant upgrade of software isn't neccasary because those extra packages are not installed. A LTS would be good for just getting security fixes and bugs taken care of making a pretty stable environment.
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RE: Xbmc Eden Ubuntu 12 crashes constantly - by wilson.joe - 2012-04-15, 22:21
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