Solved HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA
Hi all,

I needed to to change my NAS ip address for various reasons. My NAS holds both my movies and music. After the ip change, I did following on KODI:

1. In .kodi/userdata modified my sources.xml file containing the new ip-addr. of the NAS
2. In .kodi/userdata modified my mediasources.xml to contain the new up-addr. of the NAS
3. Created ./kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml file to contain two SMB substitutes (for Movies and Music) to contain new ip-addr.
4. Rebooted KODI.


Kodi starts but still seems not locating properly my media sources. So, two questions:

1) Was the abovementioned process correct or did I miss something?
2) If it was NOT correct, what is THE easiest way to have my Movie and Music libraries up&running using the new ip for the NAS?

Much appreciated for step by step instructions.

PS. I'm running OpenElec 6.0.3 with KODI 15.2 (yeah, I know...). After I get this up & running, will move to LibreElec with latest kodi too!

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HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA - by tjsuominen - 2017-05-16, 16:31
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HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA0