Benchmarking Music imports
I didn't realize but the Music source function is missing "Exclude this path from library updates" option in the music source edit screen. I would love to see that implemented one day.

At least then I would not have to scan 5,000 Various Artist albums each time I add an album Smile

The Video library already has this feature and I use it extensively for my different video sources that change less often.

Messages In This Thread
Benchmarking Music imports - by docwra - 2018-02-04, 16:39
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by docwra - 2018-02-04, 16:56
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by Klojum - 2018-02-04, 16:57
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by docwra - 2018-02-04, 17:03
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by DaveBlake - 2018-02-04, 17:14
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by docwra - 2018-02-04, 17:39
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by DaveBlake - 2018-02-04, 18:10
RE: Benchmarking Music imports - by docwra - 2018-02-06, 00:09
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