Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again
Ok, so it doesn't use Genre IDs at all you need to use some kind of genre text mappings. There is one implemented for Rytec which assumes the the genre text is in between square brackets. Assuming support was added for RadioTimes where a field is dedicated to genre text then you would need to do something like this:

Create a file like Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml, except it's a radio times version.


<mapperName>Rytec UK/Ireland</mapperName>
<!-- MOVIE/DRAMA -->
<mapping targetId="0x10">General Movie/Drama</mapping> <!-- 0x10 Movie/Drama -->
<mapping targetId="0x10">Film</mapping> <!-- 0x10 Movie/Drama -->
<mapping targetId="0x10">Animated Movie/Drama</mapping> <!-- 0x10 Movie/Drama -->
<mapping targetId="0x11">Thriller</mapping> <!-- 0x11 Detective/Thriller -->
<mapping targetId="0x11">Detective/Thriller</mapping> <!-- 0x11 Detective/Thriller -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Action</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Adventure</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Adventure/War</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Western</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Gangster</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->

In the above snippet you will see the first 3 items all map to targetId 0x10 (which is the kodi genre Movie/Drama), this is the ID that kodi understands. If the addon finds the text "General Movie/Drama" or "Film" or "Animated Movie/Drama" they will all get mapped to this ID. Make sense?

But please note that as it stands today the above method will not work for radio times without additional coding.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - by phunkyfish - 2019-07-10, 10:28
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Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again3