How to toggle analog in Beetle PSX?
(2020-03-21, 12:52)garbear Wrote: Unfortunately, a setting for this is not exposed. The general problem is controller selection: I've had some ideas, and there's a proposal for this year's GSoC.

Right now, we use an XML file to describe the profiles an emulator supports. The format describes ports that accept multiple controller profiles, but Kodi is hard-coded to only use the first controller.

The XML file is named "topology.xml". Here is the one used for Beetle PSX: topology.xml.

Can you locate this file on your system? If you swap the order of and here, then this should give you analog support in Beetle PSX.

I changed the order in the topology.xml file but it didn't make a difference for me, now the controller doesn't work at all in Crash Bandicoot but it works in Tomba, still only d-pad in Tomba though. Swapping enabled/disabled on "Enable DualShock Analog Mode Toggle" didn't do anything either.

Also tried rebinding both controllers but that didn't work either.

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RE: How to toggle analog in Beetle PSX? - by LeVvE - 2020-03-21, 14:58
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How to toggle analog in Beetle PSX?0