[RELEASE] TED Talks (Video) Plugin
I have the same exact problem with the VDPAU enabled. I am running on a Acer Revo 3610 with Minimal Karmic, XBMC 9.11 RC1 and Version 2.1.4 of the Ted Talks script.

I switch to Software Rendering instead of VDPAU and it plays fine.

Now let me preface this by saying I am not a python developer and certainly not a XBMC Plugin/Script developer but I think I have a working solution, or at least one that works for me.

I thought the plugin could switch the setting from "VDPAU" to "Software" and back automatically. So I edited the ted_talks.py file to do exactly that using xbmc.executehttpapi calls.

In the file you will find the following line in the checkMode function of the Main class:
PHP Code:

I replaced it with:
PHP Code:
# Get current RendorMethod 
iCurrentRenderMethod int(xbmc.executehttpapi("GetGUISetting(0;VideoPlayer.RenderMethod)").replace("<li>",""))

# If RenderMethod is is 4 (RENDER_METHOD_VDPAU) set it to 3 (RENDER_METHOD_SOFTWARE).  See http://trac.xbmc.org/browser/trunk/xbmc/GUISettings.h for other values.
if iCurrentRenderMethod == 4:

#Pause long enough for mplayer to start
import time
# Set back to the current RendorMethod 
xbmc.executehttpapi("SetGUISetting(0;VideoPlayer.RenderMethod,%d)" % ( iCurrentRenderMethod, )) 

Not a perfect solution and I'm sure someone could write the code more efficiently or even a more elegant solution, but this worked for me.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

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RE: - by moreginger - 2012-04-05, 22:46
RE: - by Amadeus - 2012-04-09, 19:19
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[RELEASE] TED Talks (Video) Plugin5