[LIVE] XBMC Live on laptop with TV

I want share my solution for a problem that i´ve seen lots of questions about here on the xbmc forum.

I´ve got an old laptop with a T7400. It´s enough to play 1080p on my LCD-tv. The laptop has a dvi output. After installation of xbmc on the laptop everything works fine but when i connect the computer to the tv i only get the resolution on the tv as i have on the laptop screen. Normaly when you got any kind of window system (MS or Linux) you can set your resolution either by the FN-Fx keys or by setting the resolution via a gui. On the xbmc-live box you dont have this opportunity.

There is lots of solution for this if you have a nvidia graphics card but not if you have intel gma950 like me.

So what you have to do is to disable the internal monitor in the xorg.conf

So this is how you do it.

get your self terminal windows either by ssh or press ctrl-alt-f1


xrandr -d :0 -q

then you will see what you what your outputs is called. Mine is called:

VGA1: external vga output
LVDS1: Laptop scrren
DVI1: external DVI output
TV1: external svga output

then type
sudo service xbmc-live stop
sudo xorg -configure

now you have made a xorg.con.new in your home directory.


sudo nano /home/xbmc/xorg.conf.new

Replace the existing Section "Monitor" with the following

#Disable TV1 output
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "TV1"
Option "Ignore" "1"

#Disable LVDS1 output
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "LVDS1"
Option "Ignore" "1"

#Disable VGA1 output
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "VGA1"
Option "Ignore" "1"

#Define DVI1 as primary output
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "DVI1"
Option "primary" "1"

in the Section "Device" section add the following lines

Option "monitor-TV1" "TV1"
Option "monitor-DVI1" "DVI1"
Option "monitor-LVDS1" "LVDS1"
Option "monitor-VGA1" "VGA1"

Replace the existing Section "Screen" with the following

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "DVI1"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
modes "1920x1080"

Then press crtl-x, the y, the enter

then type
sudo cp /home/xbmc/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo service xbmc-live start

Now the computer should only use the external DVI1 output to the tv.

Good luck,

Messages In This Thread
[LIVE] XBMC Live on laptop with TV - by engstedt - 2011-02-05, 17:06
[No subject] - by josh4trunks - 2011-02-19, 14:07
[No subject] - by vbat99 - 2011-05-07, 07:29
[No subject] - by Kanej - 2011-05-08, 10:28
[No subject] - by Jester - 2011-05-15, 12:38
[No subject] - by vbat99 - 2011-05-18, 01:01
RE: - by solteir - 2012-07-22, 01:23
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[LIVE] XBMC Live on laptop with TV1