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The Official OMG, XBMC on Android thread.
(2012-07-16, 13:12)Geeba Wrote: Are people compiling themselves or is there an .apk kicking about? Smile

People are compiling themselves.
No official released APK yet (please read the announcement before asking)
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(2012-07-16, 13:15)Martijn Wrote:
(2012-07-16, 13:12)Geeba Wrote: Are people compiling themselves or is there an .apk kicking about? Smile

People are compiling themselves.
No official released APK yet (please read the announcement before asking)

Ahh I knew there was no 'official' release, I was wondering if there were .apk's "kicking about"? if you get my drift? I did search and took a look on the Pivos forums, usually in these cases something ends up in dropbox or similar.
try google Wink
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Will it be an open beta or will we have to apply?

Installed it on CNerd ROM on HP TP, when i start the app it goes to Home Screen and force closes after few seconds.
Where is the XBMC.log in Android, so if the onscreen menu options don't work, do we need a remote to toggle between screen n for selection ?

Any settings i need to change to get it working.. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
(2012-07-15, 22:52)Goldeneyepad Wrote: can someone give the link so i can download this please
Nope. Wait until it hits beta (or alpha for that matter) if you are unwilling/unable to compile yourself.

(2012-07-16, 17:46)humbug Wrote: Will it be an open beta or will we have to apply?
Looking at the history of XBMC it will be open.

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Will it be possible for XBMC on android to display 1080P at 24 FPS?

I thought I read elsewhere that android currently does not do 24 FPS.
Then you read something false/misleading.
Android is totally capable of running 24FPS (or more, for that matter) - currently hardware acc. is missing, so at the moment: Nope, no 1080p in 24fps.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Thanks for that HenryFord
I found what I read previously

(2012-07-16, 17:20)davilla Wrote: @Kaiserlein, can't say right now Smile But yes, I know the insides quite well. And like I said, it smokes atv2/atv3.

@acidduck, to suppport 24p output means android has to support that. And well you can just forget it. But we have a ace up our sleeves that might satisfy those that want 24p output. That ace will appear soon.

@Tj78492, I could tell you but then I'd have to.... Smile XIOS DS is the 1st product, there are others in the pipe and when they will pop out is unknown as there are lots of factors involved. I don't forsee anything in the next few months. I can't advise on purchasing decisions, you will have to make that choice yourself.

HW might be perfectly capable of 24P but it's up to the device makers to implement it and expose it. So, that is the first bridge to cross.

The second bridge is much longer. Generally, app are not permitted to be changing the screen settings.. That belongs to the Android OS and there are many other settings that apps are not permitted to adjust such as System volume .

I test on my GNote, but the stylus does not work, strange, it works with your finger.
I also developed XBNE (basic video editor) on android, but could not find where you stored the database, an idea?
XBNE : XBMC Video DataBase / Nfo Editor
Download - Forum - Donate
just tossin this out there... currently doesnt seem to be an option to move to SD card once installed. thats going to be really important for those of us with devices with a limited amount of memory.... i had to uninstall it after checking it out so i could get new email/messages.
(2012-07-16, 13:57)vdrfan Wrote: try google Wink

Cheers!!! found it on XDA, one of my other haunts! Smile

Now who wants to buy a Motorola Xoom?? Undecided dam the Tegra chipset!! Confused
lol, some people are quick to try and make a buck:

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The Official OMG, XBMC on Android thread.6