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Native Object-Based Storage Support for XBMC
(2014-01-21, 19:35)jacintech.fire Wrote: ZFS Is close...but not close enough...
Could you expand?
(2014-01-21, 19:37)prawnee Wrote: I'm thinking distribution...nope still haven't got a clue.
Distribution of what...?
(2014-01-21, 19:32)edrikk Wrote: I just looked up "Porto Novo, Benin" on Google Maps. I think we're dealing with a Prince here...

Na, a prince wouldn't have to listen to his wife when she told him he couldn't wire this stuff. Unless the Wife has all the real power in this parts, which then leads to frustration and this kind or overreach. Is there a professional psychologist on the boards to corroborate this? Someone akin to The father of modern psychology who do, since we dealing with a Prince) Doesn't have to be a real, anyone can claim anything in this thread... apparently.
From the demeanour to other people (behaves like superior and acts dishonourably (because fails to honour his word) and the signature which his self professed superiority and sense of morality seem to advertised at every opportunity and contradicts such self delusion of honour..

A Prince would be truly honourable and share his views and knowledge and keep his word since they claim to benefit mankind or his/her subjects in some unprecedented way liken to only those Like Einstein. Or have them all massacred. So we dealing in any case with a shady personality.
Maybe so, but one thing is undeniable: The subject of support for an Object Store or a distributed File System is out in the open. Somebody will think about it and something will come out of it...

BTW, The quote bellow has nothing to do with what I believe...if you take a moment, you would realize it describes the world (our society) the way it was (and still is), as opposed they way it ought to be, or the way we want it to be...
Sometimes is good to look beyond the obvious...
The obvious being the opposite of what you mean. Obviously.
Funny thing is, if you go back through all my posts, the answers are already there...you just have to connect the dots. Think of this as your very own Bern patent office :-)
I have unsubscribed - I cant read any more twoddle
Check out my Fanart.tv stuff!
...........I also accept disc requests if image not on fanart.tv database !!!!
I'm bored now. Didn't realise this was a treasure hunt. I'm going to watch a film, as novel as that sounds.
The answers are already there. There are RIGHT THERE!!!!

I already gave all the info. I am preparing an official feature request to post it on the developer's forum...
I know they are..............
My question is: Are there any plans for XBMC to support distributed, cloud storage mechanism that do not rely on the traditional File(s)/Directory(ies) mechanism of FTP, Samba, and the rest?

Answer: No
Check out my Fanart.tv stuff!
...........I also accept disc requests if image not on fanart.tv database !!!!
Then what other treasure were you expecting to find...?
Besides, at this point I could post the cure for all forms of cancer and it would do no good. Right now, very smart people on the list are thinking about this thread...someone else now will take the next step.
What treasure? There is no treasure, just like there is no gold egg goose just like there is nothing new in this thread...

You havent done anything new, and there is no benefit to anyone that uses xbmc everyday to watch Youtube dancing cat videos, like I do and everyone here does.

Now just like watching dancing cat videos on youtube, equally anyone reading anything in this thread especially what you wrote aside from mild amusement, the feeling illicit is general one of disappointment and total expected human behaiviour, you will never have the time wasted here back.

If you said you were running a social experiment to gage how ppl react to ridiculousness, I believe you and also point out the similar futility in that exercise as well.
(2014-01-21, 20:14)uNiversal Wrote: What treasure? There is no treasure, just like there is no gold egg goose just like there is nothing new in this thread...

You havent done anything new, and there is no benefit to anyone that uses xbmc everyday to watch Youtube dancing cat videos, like I do and everyone here does.

It's okay, buddy. It will be ok. I promise.
*drapes warm blanket over uNiversal, hands him a hot cup of Cocoa*
[ Right now, very smart people on the list are thinking about this thread...someone else now will take the next step.]

I am and right now Im off to boil an egg.
(2014-01-21, 20:17)petemcfc Wrote: [ Right now, very smart people on the list are thinking about this thread...someone else now will take the next step.]

I am and right now Im off to boil an egg.

Archimedes was having a bath when he understood that the volume of water displaced must be equal to the volume of the part of his body he had submerged...so I have high hopes for you while you boil your egg. You too can have an Eureka moment :-)
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Native Object-Based Storage Support for XBMC5