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[RFC] Database Abstraction Proposal - Request for Comments (Devs and DB Admins only!)
bmillham Wrote:I just spotted this feature, and it looks great. So, I've written a "scrapper" (a python script really) that grabs my movie library from my MySQL database (that was created using Movie Collector)

The python script takes the Movie Collector database, and writes it into a new MySQL database created by XBMC.

For the most part, it's working, but I have a few questions:

What are the Cxx fields? I've figured out some of them, but not all. Here's what I've figured out:

C00 - Title
C01 - Plot
C02 - ???
C03 - ???
C04 - ???
C05 - IMDB rating
C06 - Writer(s)
C07 - Year
C08 - Thumbnails
C09 - ???
C10 - ???
C11 - Duration
C12 - ???
C13 - ???
C14 - Genre
C15 - Director
C16 - ???
C17 - ???
C18 - Studio
C19 - ???
C20 - Fanart

The wiki spells these out in the database description section.

bmillham Wrote:How to I make this thumbnail the default automatically?

Good question well asked ... I'm not on top of the thumbnail generation yet, the new schema is eating up my time.
wstewart Wrote:think I've found a bug, running 28256 on windows 7.

Seems to have problems with actor names like Gavan O'Herlihy specifically with the '.

Looks like it is putting a double ' in the query, its putting O\'' where as I think it should put O\'

Get the following in my log

Could you try the patches on #9022. I believe they will solve the issue. Report back on any success or failure.
First of all, thanks for hard work!

I was waiting this features from a lot of time! Big Grin

I would ask if is there some chance for "porting" this feature also on xbox branch?

If is not possible for some software limits...or just wait.

I hope this is correct place for ask.


edit: i have found answer to my question...sob! Sad
firnsy Wrote:Could you try the patches on #9022. I believe they will solve the issue. Report back on any success or failure.

currently I`m using the pre-built xbmc packages on linux and windows. I might be able to find some time in the next weeks to try out the patch. For the time being, I`ve executed the failed query manually.

Thanks for your great work on getting mysql support into xbmc.
wstewart Wrote:currently I`m using the pre-built xbmc packages on linux and windows. I might be able to find some time in the next weeks to try out the patch. For the time being, I`ve executed the failed query manually.

Thanks for your great work on getting mysql support into xbmc.

Yes the query is broken. So manually entering it will also fail.

The quoted patch adds a vsnprintf() like function for the mysql translations which I will be aiming to push into the mainline in the next few weeks.

It just needs some more airtime from other testers, before I'm happy enough with it.
I appologies if my question seems out of place but I thought this might be the right thread.

I am using MySQL as my database backend mainly since I have multiple xbmc's running in my house for which I would like to keep the watched/unwatched flags central.

However ever since the latests database schema change (somehwere around SVN build 30000) I notice that although it does pick up on movie sets going into 1 does not show the movies part of the set. I have all my movies and tv-shows nicely managed using NFO (managed with EMM) files which get imported into the database.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong or is there something I have overlooked (like changed NFO requirements etc etc).

FYI I already dropped the database a couple of times
I noticed that too. It does pick up on movie sets but does not show any movies "inside" the sets
Is Microsoft SQL server supported for a SQL server? if so are there any special requierments?
WinGmaN Wrote:Is Microsoft SQL server supported for a SQL server? if so are there any special requierments?

In short. Unfortunately no.
I think the posts about it were lost but did someone figure out a way to get the fanart/thumbnails to work properly on a computer that did not build the library to begin with?

I imagine that this issue is being addressed but is there a work around in the meantime?
Jordan Wrote:I think the posts about it were lost but did someone figure out a way to get the fanart/thumbnails to work properly on a computer that did not build the library to begin with?

Synchronise the thumbnail cache in the userdata directory.
firnsy Wrote:Synchronise the thumbnail cache in the userdata directory.

I setup dropbox to keep the two folders in sync and it is working well so far. Thanks for the help firnsy.
<offtopic> MeqTrader, rickardkk, the movie set issue is fixed. </offtopic>
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I having issues with the central database. prior to changing my database type, scraping worked fine, I could move files into a scraped directory and then press update and they would appear in the library.

However not with the cetral database:

Pastebin of Log here:

I should note that several of the directorys contain files that have not previosly been scraped eg:

However it did not seem to pick up on any of the new files in that directory.

This looks a bit suspect

15:49:26 T:139638986062096 M:1513873408   ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1064)
15:49:26 T:139638986062096 M:1513873408   ERROR: CleanDatabase failed

Any ideas what's going wrong with this?
I changed XBNE so he could work with a MySQL database server.
If you want to test:
Options> Media Center -> XBMC
Give it the path of standard DataBase (for image cache) and check "Use MySQL" fill Host, User and PassWord.

I forgot to copy these two files in path: Windows/System32/ made manually :

CAUTION: As XBMC/MySQL, XBNE does not accept local disks, change to network disk.

XBNE : XBMC Video DataBase / Nfo Editor
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[RFC] Database Abstraction Proposal - Request for Comments (Devs and DB Admins only!)0