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Alaska development thread
hikaricore Wrote:I'm using Amra's latest Red Slate from his mediafire url.
I suspect that Hitcher hasn't updated the copy in git yet.
Opps, I did download it but forgot to include it.

EDIT: Added.
Hitcher Wrote:This is the DialogKaiToast.xml but I don't know what it's for so I would appreciate it if you could let me know. It should act the same as any other skin.

you got a pm
hikaricore Wrote:I'm using Amra's latest Red Slate from his mediafire url.
I suspect that Hitcher hasn't updated the copy in git yet.
I'm actually working on updating the skin with Hitcher's latest changes as we speak and will be uploading a new version later tonight. Gotta stop for a bit and have dinner. I know, who really needs food? Rolleyes

In the meantime, I made a new theme just for fun but if anyone wants to, feel free to download & try it out. It's at the same link in my signature. The new Alaska theme is called "Mosaic_Blue". Again, it was just for fun & to try learning more about Alaska's color xml files, but I sorta like it.

I've uploaded an updated Red Slate theme as well as added a second color to the Mosaic_Blue theme with Yellow/Gold home1 windows.


To use this color scheme, just select "Mosaic_Blue" for the theme and then "Mosaic_Blue2" for the color. The link for either Red_Slate or Mosaic_Blue is HERE or can be found in my signature.
I had to rename Studios to studios to work on Linux, my weather icons are not showing...anyone know the proper case for all the folders, pics, icons, etc? Is this being developed on a windows system?
It's all case sensitive, however it's written in the xml it must be be named accordingly.
We actually had this exact same problem with ClearArt lol.

However, as far as I can tell Studios is correct.
I think xbmc also has a function to compensate for case now (i tested renaming):

00:50:13 T:3077957520 M:671043584 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/studios/Stage 6 Films.png> instead of </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/Studios/Stage 6 Films.png>
00:50:15 T:3077957520 M:668524544 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/studios/Columbia Pictures.png> instead of </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/Studios/Columbia Pictures.png>
00:50:15 T:3077957520 M:663064576 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/studios/Franchise Pictures.png> instead of </home/hikaricore/.xbmc/skin/Alaska/extras/Studios/Franchise Pictures.png>

Failing all else in this case a simple symlink will solve any such issues.
I love this skin! Installed this morning and it looks great and it feels really snappy. Just one thing that doesnt seem to work right for me. I am not really sure of the status of this skin but I'll share some other observations as well. Please view my observations as constructive feedback, I appreciate all the work done by others so I can enjoy a great HTPC - just hope my observations might be of help.

System: Asrock 330
Ubuntu installed, XBMC SVN 22528
Alaska skin from 22-11-2009

issue: I want to see music in file mode as I have structured my folders in a specific way. File view works, but if I return to home screen, and again enter music I will be in library mode with the settings on screen visible and focussed on library. It is just a simple click to re-enable fileview but it is annoying to do that everytime. I am willing to post debug logs etc, just not sure what is needed or if this is known behavior?

what also strikes me in file view, especially when browsing my video folder (most of which have folder.jpg icons in a portrait e.g. dvd cover) is that I will first see a blank square for a fraction of a second, and only then will I see the dvd cover. Is the skin counting on square icons only?

Movies and poster view: the movie title and info is just on the right of the screen. The movie that is selected is in the center, and to the right of this all info is shown. Sometimes the title doesnt fit the screen with longer titles. Would it be possible to show this in the center bottom? There appears to be plenty of space.

I noticed that the folder up (..) doesn't have any default icon like an arrow. Is that the way it is supposed to be? It looks rather clean so I don't really mind, just that I am used to the arrow icon from other skins.

Lastly: I switched over from Aeon65. It appeas that all my pictures need to have their thumbnails gegenerated. Are thumbnails skin specific?

[edit]: one more observation. After seeing this skin run so beautifuly I decided to install the multi image packs as well. It could be be, but under artwork I don't see an option to set the multi-image folder for settings (and the download does include a nice folder with pictures for settings). The other way around I missed images for "programs" in the download? [/edit]

[edit2]: noticed that when I play music and dim screensaver kicks in that the : "now playing" cdart and info dissapear. I'd really like to keep them as they are still visible when dim is enabled. Is that possible? [/edit2]
kees667 Wrote:issue: I want to see music in file mode as I have structured my folders in a specific way. File view works, but if I return to home screen, and again enter music I will be in library mode with the settings on screen visible and focussed on library. It is just a simple click to re-enable fileview but it is annoying to do that everytime. I am willing to post debug logs etc, just not sure what is needed or if this is known behavior?
if you have the "remember folder view" enable you are suppose to see the latest folder view you have set.
Quote:what also strikes me in file view, especially when browsing my video folder (most of which have folder.jpg icons in a portrait e.g. dvd cover) is that I will first see a blank square for a fraction of a second, and only then will I see the dvd cover. Is the skin counting on square icons only?
never see that before if you set the viewtype to poster you are suppose to view and xbmc is expecting to show posters.
Quote:Movies and poster view: the movie title and info is just on the right of the screen. The movie that is selected is in the center, and to the right of this all info is shown. Sometimes the title doesnt fit the screen with longer titles. Would it be possible to show this in the center bottom? There appears to be plenty of space.
always titles and such have a character limit to fit in such spaces mine its working fine after the limit you would see ... like "This title is too long that's why..."
Quote:I noticed that the folder up (..) doesn't have any default icon like an arrow. Is that the way it is supposed to be? It looks rather clean so I don't really mind, just that I am used to the arrow icon from other skins.

Dont know you mine have it Image

Quote:[edit]: one more observation. After seeing this skin run so beautifuly I decided to install the multi image packs as well. It could be be, but under artwork I don't see an option to set the multi-image folder for settings (and the download does include a nice folder with pictures for settings). The other way around I missed images for "programs" in the download? [/edit]
mine neither, Hitcher said it will look into it.

Quote:[edit2]: noticed that when I play music and dim screensaver kicks in that the : "now playing" cdart and info dissapear. I'd really like to keep them as they are still visible when dim is enabled. Is that possible? [/edit2]
do you have cdArt setup in Alaska ?
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
Thanks for the quick reply!

reaven Wrote:if you have the "remember folder view" enable you are suppose to see the latest folder view you have set.

Under settings - appearance - view options the setting "remember selected file on forward navigation" is (and was) selected. Also under settings - music - files the option "remember views for different folders" is (and was) selected, but still it doesn't work. This is my main concern now, the other things are just trivial. I see the skin also has a debug mode, would a log help?

reaven Wrote:never see that before if you set the viewtype to poster you are suppose to view and xbmc is expecting to show posters.
I checked once more. My video is set to: files. I check the poster and list view and they work fine. The reason I prefer file view is that a) I don't have folder.jpg files for all folders here (e.g. home movies) and b) in list view the folder the folder.jpg is shown real tiny. Fileview is the best therefore, but I clearly see a white square just before it loads the actual graphic. Minor glitch, but if someone could check to verify it exists not only on my setup?

reaven Wrote:always titles and such have a character limit to fit in such spaces mine its working fine after the limit you would see ... like "This title is too long that's why..."
I don't see "..." but it scrolls. Would prefer it center below, but thats a personal thing ;-)

reaven Wrote:Dont know you mine have it
Appears to only effectmusic, set to file mode and file view. Folder up has no icon there. Same if I skip to wall view (still file mode). Other views do have the icon, sorry for not being detailed enough in first post.

reaven Wrote:mine neither, Hitcher said it will look into it.

reaven Wrote:do you have cdArt setup in Alaska ?
I don't understand exactly which option you refer to. I can't find one named like this. Music visualisation is set to none. Basically in any screen (home, music) I see my cd art (folder.jpg or taken from mp3 - I don't know) with the text now playing, songname, artist and cd title. All that dissapears when the dim screensaver kicks in
Music always enters the library; to change this edit line 36 of the Includes_Home_1.xml from
The white square appearing in Files view was an XBMC issue and has been fixed but you're using a very old build.

The Folder Up works in Music for me in File and Library modes on all views.

Setting image folder was fixed last week.

I want to update as soon as the beta is out, I guess later today. With "Setting image folder was fixed last week. " do you refer to setting multiple images folder for settings? I downloaded your skin yesterday from mediafire, is that package outdated?

I also noticed something else (might also be old news). For some movies the icons overlap. First an example of a movie that works fine, the next one has overlapping icons.



Hitcher Wrote:Music always enters the library; to change this edit line 36 of the Includes_Home_1.xml from
The white square appearing in Files view was an XBMC issue and has been fixed but you're using a very old build.

The Folder Up works in Music for me in File and Library modes on all views.

Setting image folder was fixed last week.
kees667 Wrote:Thanks!

I want to update as soon as the beta is out, I guess later today. With "Setting image folder was fixed last week. " do you refer to setting multiple images folder for settings? I downloaded your skin yesterday from mediafire, is that package outdated?

I also noticed something else (might also be old news). For some movies the icons overlap. First an example of a movie that works fine, the next one has overlapping icons.


I probably only updated MediaFire last night (it's not as up-to-date as GitHub).

The overlapping is strange because the video panel should only slide left when there's no ratings available.

EDIT: Just noticed I've used lowercase for ListItem.rating so I'll change it to ListItem.Rating and see if that helps you.

recently discovered this skin after trying out Aeon, which did not suit me at all.
This skin is bloody brilliant ! It's clean, functional and soo easy on the eye (using the default theme/colors). And much more stable than the various Aeon skins i've tested.

I have a feature request though, OpenSubtitles, would it be possible to incorporate that into the GUI while playing videos ?

Otherwise I have found nothing missing or any feature lacking. The list views are exactly how I envisioned xbmc should be. Thank you so much for your hard work !

Oh, one thing, i can't get the studio flags to work, dir structure is /Alaska/media/extras/studios/* but no flags (tried with and without capital S in studios as well), any idea what I might be doing wrong ?

Thanks again.
[EDIT] nevermind, Hitcher answered the question. Nothing to see here. Wink
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