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v13 Xperience1080 2.x
It is also a bit down to what remote you use.

As a user of x360 wireless pad for xbmc, everything is already one click away in your skin.

In fullscreen video, the start button displays the standard osd (play/pause/stop/subtitles). Most used fonction is always download subtitles, and it is very nice it can be focused as default. Foward/Backward doesn't require opening OSD as it is quite intuitive it is mapped to d-pad. So goes for stop mapped to the red B button. etc...
The right shoulder button displays/hides the movie info screen. That for the family "what are you watching ?" questions ...

So having also controls in info screen would a nice have, but not sure a must have (for me)

I can also control xbmc with TV remote through cec, though I usually don't. And I do understand it is different with std remote as the ok button displays the standard osd and you have to scroll for info.

Does the change mean the "normal video" osd with only controls will disappear?
Yes normal osd would disappear.. you would always see the info together with the controls. Best thing is I make a version ready, then you can test it and share your thoughts.
Merging the two makes sense but always displaying the buttons for pause, stop etc is not necessary if you have the buttons on your remote. So an option to hide them by default would be nice.
Don't think there will be an option because that would break the design but you'll see.
I seem to be having some trouble with xperience1080 when xbmc powersaving is turned on and it's supposed to autoshutdown after a specific amount of time, whenever I'm in a tv season folder or the movie library when the autoshutdown kicks in xbmc will freeze, only thing I can do is kill the xbmc process. This doesn't happen with other skins (tested with confluence and bello) so it seems to be something that is different in xperience1080. It's also not happening when I'm in the "Home" screen, I need to be in my tv/movie library for xbmc to freeze up.

XBMC (13.0-ALPHA7 Git:36da37f)
skin.xperience1080 commit bc32083871 (latest)

Debug logs:

In a tv season folder and resulting freeze: http://www.xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=48169

And for comparison on "Home" when everything shuts down correctly: http://www.xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=48170

edit: For completeness sake my power saving options (I've set it to 5min while hunting for the cause of the problem):
Could you please disable tvtunes and tv show next aired and try again (settings -> skin -> add-ons)? I'm quite sure that either one script or both scripts running together at the same time is the problem. Not shutting down is unfortunately an annoying problem which still isn't fixed properly.
GF is hogging the tv, I'll see that I can claim it for 5min after she is finished with her show. Big Grin Thanks for the quick reply.

edit: tv show next aired was already disabled, I turned off some random addons while searching for the culprit, will try turning off tvtunes with my next go.
edit2: But it wasn't disabled in skin settings, will do that.

edit3: Disabling both of the addons in the skin settings worked indeed, thanks a lot. Smile

and another edit: I'm pretty sure it's the tvshow.nextaired script, as soon as I turn that one on in the skin settings I get the xbmc freezes on autoshutdown. So this should probably go into the next.aired support thread?
(2013-08-22, 11:35)`Black Wrote: Don't think there will be an option because that would break the design but you'll see.

Well who am I to judge your design choises anyway. I trust it will be awesome Big Grin
Question: Do all the movie views simply label the quality of the movie as HD or SD?
I tried a lot of different skins but i must say i always come back to Xperience i love it.
I change my hardware and i tried the skin on raspberry pi and the little black box and the skin is very slow.
I remove fanart and all the fancy options but still xperience is not responsive on those devices.
If i can help or beta test to make maybe a light version it would be much appreciate
The skin is not and will never be designed to run on devices like the raspberry pi. It will solve itself because there will be faster devices with that form factor in the future.


very very nice skin! Looks awful on my TV.
The only thing is don't like is the Home in the Menu.
I wanted to hide the Home Section but haven't found a setting for this?
Can u please add a setting to hide this Home-Section?
I won't add a setting for now. I have explained the why somewhere in this thread. Short answer: it's too complex code-wise for my taste (already too complex…). Home is the center, is the default control and if it's gone there have to be a bunch of exceptions.

I'm planning to make everything hideable in the future but it needs changes to the XBMC core so it won't happen until Gotham (XBMC 13) is ready.
(2013-08-23, 17:14)H0ff1 Wrote: Hi,

very very nice skin! Looks awful on my TV.

A very very nice skin that looks awful?
Interesting Big Grin
I like the now OSD design so far, I can see how it will make accessing functions much quicker. Will the osd show then when a video is simply paused though? I really like the feature in certain skins to show info on pause. Also I wanted to ask if the disable scroll plot feature is broken? I have it disabled in the skin settings yet it has no effect, plots in the info dialogue still scroll and more often than not they start at the bottom of the text when first opening Info, forcing me to have to manually scroll upwards to the top.
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Xperience1080 2.x22