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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
the mame.ini has the right path but not sure on what you meant on inipath in emu params if you mean %ROM% then yes but if you meant something else then im not sure how would i check thanks
It should be
-inipath "C:\Program Files\MAME" "%ROM%"
or whereever you installed mame on your system.
malte Wrote:Maybe you can show me the log when you are back home. I don't think there is anything that I could do but maybe I have an idea what could be the cause.

16:54:19 T:4528   ERROR: Error evaluating boolean expression $INFO[ListItem.Property(isfavorite)] == 1
16:54:19 T:4528   ERROR: Control 500 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
16:54:19 T:4416  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin onInit
16:54:19 T:4416  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin loadViewState
16:54:19 T:4416  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGames
16:54:19 T:4416  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: helper.buildLikeStatement
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: m_pD3DDevice->BeginScene() failed. 8876086C - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call)
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: m_pD3DDevice->BeginScene() failed. 8876086C - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call)
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: m_pD3DDevice->BeginScene() failed. 8876086C - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call)
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: m_pD3DDevice->BeginScene() failed. 8876086C - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call)
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: m_pD3DDevice->BeginScene() failed. 8876086C - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (Invalid call)
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
16:54:20 T:4528   ERROR: CApplication::FrameMove(), too many exceptions

This is the relevant part of the log. It crashes XBMC completely to desktop and only happens with RCB although I don't think it's the script at fault. I just can't work out what it might be.
@Tomkun: This error may occur if there are errors creating the GUI. Maybe a mixture of a bug in XBMC and something "not well-done" in RCB.

I had similar problems some weeks ago: see here.

Are you on newest XBMC, RCB from SVN and Windows? I will also update my Eden version to test this the next days. Will see if I can reproduce it here.
first off just want to say thanks malte for all the help i really do appreciate it

next issue is when using solo mode rom loads up fine but then when i close mame it wont open xbmc says xbmc: error CApplication::Create() failed - check log file and that it is writable now i tried the "explorer" trick and that didnt work now honestly i could live without solo mode if need be but off the top of your head i didnt know if you knew another fix for this issue if so id b glad to know thanks again
malte Wrote:@Tomkun: This error may occur if there are errors creating the GUI. Maybe a mixture of a bug in XBMC and something "not well-done" in RCB.

I had similar problems some weeks ago: see here.

Are you on newest XBMC, RCB from SVN and Windows? I will also update my Eden version to test this the next days. Will see if I can reproduce it here.

Am using nightly builds, Windows 7 64bit and stock RCB 9.1.

It seems to work correctly when using default view settings, but as soon as I change view, quit and reenter RCB it crashes.
Do you have a timeframe of when you will begin working on Eden compatibility? I remember you said you didn't want to update python during the nightly phase (with good reason).
XBMC team just announced a feature freeze and will start to release first beta releases. This is a good point to start working on compatibility more intensively.

But with Eden we will have some problems with external libraries because we can't rely on a specific python version available on the users system. We have to find a way to ship several libraries for the different versions or build the libraries compatible with all versions (not sure if this is even possible). But we will try our bestSmile
How do I get screenshots working like the "four small" or video for windows games? I have imported at least 4 screenshots into the thegamesdb site and I know that the giantbomb site has 50+ screenshots. I also made sure all of the games in thegamesdb had videos associated for each game.

From what I noticed in 9.1 RCB and the latest nightly (Oct 2,2011), RCB seems to only scrape the following for my games.

thegamesdb - fanart, frontcover
giantbomb - only one screenshot
mobygames - I have no games from this site.

Here's an example
Touhou 07 - Perfect Cherry Blossom
@sunfizz98: I guess screenshots weren't available when I implemented thegamesdb scraper or I just missed them. I will add them soon.

Will also check how the youtube link could be supported in RCB.

giantbombs api isn't platform safe. So I disabled download of images to avoid download of wrong images.

On mobygames I find a game "Touhou 07 - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil". Not sure if this is what you are searching for.
I have many (over 4000) mame roms in collection.
List loaded is very long (~ 2 minutes). But if window xbmc small (tested 320x240) list loading faster 25% (from full screen).

Mai be can cached list?

PS sorry for me ENGLISH.
There are some caching options but I am not sure if they will do what you want. Try to play around with addon settings.
Tomkun Wrote:It seems to work correctly when using default view settings, but as soon as I change view, quit and reenter RCB it crashes.
I found the reason, but no good solution.

It will work if you change the line:

<control type="wraplist" id="50">


<control type="list" id="50">


<control type="wraplist" id="58">


<control type="list" id="58">

But I still have to find out what has changed and why I can't use wraplists anymore.
malte Wrote:There are some caching options but I am not sure if they will do what you want. Try to play around with addon settings.

Yes not fo me. I need cache list games... not build him all time.
1. We scan collection
2. rcb create list for xbmc
3. xbmc display list
4. quit

5. run xbmc
6. run rcb
7. rcb get cached list
8. xbmc display list
malte Wrote:@sunfizz98: I guess screenshots weren't available when I implemented thegamesdb scraper or I just missed them. I will add them soon.

Will also check how the youtube link could be supported in RCB.

giantbombs api isn't platform safe. So I disabled download of images to avoid download of wrong images.

On mobygames I find a game "Touhou 07 - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil". Not sure if this is what you are searching for.

That's strange, because RCB was able to scrape a screenshot image from giantbomb but your response is saying otherwise. I am using RCB 9.1

In regards to mobygames, I only found "The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" which is Touhou 06, not 07. For sake of making things easy for me, I added all the games, info, screenshots, and fanart for the Touhou series into thegamesdb.net, since it was more organized and easier to maintain. I will most likely contribute most of my time to gamesdb for the above mentioned reasons.

Just a question, how safe are the other APIs?
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20