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Love the changes.

Btw your iPad video demo is recorded upside down.

Just a thought. Since you are coloring the repeat and random buttons when enabled you could also do something like that for the play pause button. Not sure how it would look in practice. As in color the pause green when paused and vice versa.

Another possibility is do what iTunes app does. Change button to pause symbol while playback occurs. Change to Play when media is paused.

When it comes to audio track album art you are almost at the point where you could just display the codec labels on the main view and not just in the overlay. This could be viewed as cluttering the main view by some people though. Just a thought. You have made more black space because the album art is smaller now with your new interface layout.

Edit: Bug

I noticed this before but never could reproduce. Now I can. Based on the inconsistency I suspect a race condition.

Steps to reproduce:

On the now playing screen display the overlay.

Now set your device in standby by pressing the power button.

Now resume the device.

The now playing screen with disappear and reappear.

This does not happen every single time but does not take many tries to make it occur.

Interestingly it seems to only happen while in low power mode. I’ve only tested this on iPhone.

Edit: It doesn’t bother me one way or another but I thought you had mentioned the torch was going to be renamed for US EN language but I’m still seeing the label says LED Torch.

Edit: It seems I had the flashlight disabled backwards. If the app turns on the flashlight then the iOS system panel disables the flashlight button. This is probably an iOS bug and not really app related but figured I would report it.
(2023-12-11, 16:10)amasephy Wrote: Another possibility is do what iTunes app does. Change button to pause symbol while playback occurs. Change to Play when media is paused.
Yes, I have this in mind. I just need to think of how to handle this for older Kodi version as I cannot be sure the playback state is always shared properly.

A problem I just became aware of with the green repeat/random buttons is with color blind users. I need to change the icons to not only use the color to visualize the state.
(2023-12-11, 16:10)amasephy Wrote: When it comes to audio track album art you are almost at the point where you could just display the codec labels on the main view and not just in the overlay. This could be viewed as cluttering the main view by some people though. Just a thought. You have made more black space because the album art is smaller now with your new interface layout.
Yes, but I for now dropped that idea as this visually overloads the screen and would end up having different layouts again. I could make the cover even smaller and add the codec data then. But this would only work for bigger screens.
(2023-12-11, 16:10)amasephy Wrote: The now playing screen with disappear and reappear.
Will try to reproduce.
(2023-12-11, 16:10)amasephy Wrote: Edit: It doesn’t bother me one way or another but I thought you had mentioned the torch was going to be renamed for US EN language but I’m still seeing the label says LED Torch.
I did Smile The way how this works is to make a proposal in the translation tool, let the reviewer for this language accept it and then automatically raise a code change. The review is still missing.
(2023-12-11, 16:10)amasephy Wrote: Edit: It seems I had the flashlight disabled backwards. If the app turns on the flashlight then the iOS system panel disables the flashlight button. This is probably an iOS bug and not really app related but figured I would report it.
To my understanding this is per design.
If need be I can take a video of the now playing issue but it would have to be recorded with my camera since I don’t think recordings can be interrupted by standby.

Regarding the random/repeat you could always copy what iTunes does. It puts a bounding box around them when activated. Given kodi’s use of blue that color could possibly be used when activated. Just an idea.

Edit: Another bug but very minor.

I just updated to 17.2 so not sure if this was existing or not.

The search bar used to have an X glyph to clear the text from the search box. This is a very typical feature. You can make it appear but you have to perform a specific set of operations.

Type some text in the search bar.

Tap on the right most side of the text box.

This will clear the box.

Now tap in the same spot.

The X glyph will appear!

This only happens when some text has been entered.

Btw while writing this post the Kodi app crashed. I submitted the report just now. I’ll be curious to hear as to what caused the crash. All I was doing was repeating these steps to write this edit.



Edit: Interesting. Now when I started the app back up the glyph is always present as soon as you type in the search box. Maybe that is part of why the app crashed on me?
I can reproduce the re-loading of the NowPlaying content. You do not need to enable the overlay for this, and it is enough to switch to another app and back. For now I can only reproduce on my device, but not on simulator. I also assume a race condition when the updates from Kodi arrive each second to display the progress.

I cannot reproduce the x glyph topic with the simulator or even my device under 17.1.2. Could be a problem with 17.2.

Will have a look at the crash once it shared via AppStore. Do you use an external keyboard? There have been iOS crashes which are related to external keyboards.
I was just using the regular software keyboard.

Funny thing is when I relaunched and saw it as I was typing I was able to trigger the glitch again by some random sequence.

Then I tried again and could not. So looks like a new ghost to track for now.
(2023-12-12, 19:52)Buschel Wrote: I can reproduce the re-loading of the NowPlaying content. You do not need to enable the overlay for this, and it is enough to switch to another app and back. For now I can only reproduce on my device, but not on simulator. I also assume a race condition when the updates from Kodi arrive each second to display the progress.
Looking at the code and what I can see on NowPlaying screen when this issue occurs, it seems like the App clears the NowPlaying screen which is equal to "nothing is playing". Either the App it is not (yet) connected again to the server at this time -- shortly after it connects back and the message updates from Kodi arrive again and are shown. Another reason could be an error received from Kodi itself.
I’ve experienced the disappearing glyph several times now.

The only common thing that I can seem to narrow it down to is it happens when I suspend the app and the go back in it after a period of time.

I’ll clear the text box and the glyph will remain visible even when the search box is empty.

Given the randomness of this it seems plausible this is some sort of race condition as well.


It probably won’t help but I captured a video of this glitch.
Version 1.13.1 is released on AppStore as a bugfix release. This is equal to the last TestFlight build which was shared a week back. Next release 1.14 will again have more UI updates and internal rework.
Happy New year!

I recently got a new phone. Migrating from the mini to these new large phones raised my awareness to some reachability issues.

Is there any chance the main menu list could have a setting where it filled from the bottom instead of the top? It’s really hard for me to reach the upper list items with single hand usage.

If that is possible, might the same thing be applied to the right hand settings pane as well?

Thank you for considering. 🙂
(2024-01-02, 20:07)amasephy Wrote: Is there any chance the main menu list could have a setting where it filled from the bottom instead of the top?

that'd be quite tricky to do, no such behavior out of the box
You would certainly know better than me.

I was hoping the same slider mechanism that is already implemented in the iPad main menu where you can drag it up or down could be ported to iPhone. Seems like this would make the task easier since code for that already exists?
1.14 build 4181 (still in review at Apple, will become available soon)
Release Notes

This is the first builds towards 1.14 and carries a lot of internal rework, minor fixes (potentially overlapping text fields) and some improvements. Highlights:

iPad fullscreen
For iPad fullscreen the layout has been reworked to automatically adapt the size of thumbnails and keep a pre-defined and fixed spacing. In addition, the position of the text labels and the font color was changes to improve readability. To my eyes this looks a lot better than before.

In-app trailers
Trailers can now be played in-app, no need to move to a browser. For embedded YouTube videos the preview is shown in-app as well.

Image cache configuration
Added configurations to limit the memory consumption to max 1/4 of the physical memory (or max 512 MB). This is assumed to fix some corner-cases where out-of-memory caused crashes reported via AppStore.

Due the nature of changes it will be good to have an eye on the following behaviours:
- Loading thumbnails in general and especially in combination with username and password for the Kodi server
- Changing audio stream and subtitle languages
- Recording/timer icons in TV / Radio lists

Remarks: As discussed earlier also in this thread EXIF is broken in Kodi 20.0-20.2 and up to Kodi 21 Beta 2. Fixes were now provided for both 20 and 21 and should be part of next release.
1.14 build 4181 is now available via TestFlight, for details see previous post.
Thank you for the happy new year version Smile

I am very impressed by the new iPad fullscreen layout. Very nice looking.

And I like the possibility to watch the movie trailers in the app. But I honestly don’t like the way it is shown. At least on my iPad there is a whole browser embedded into the app and squeezed into a quite small window, not only the video itself, as I would have expected it. Is this by intention or am I experiencing some kind of glitch here?

The embedded video is a bit tricky. If the trailer URL is an embedded youtube link it will show a nice looking preview (like on leftmost version in the screenshot). If the trailer is not an embedded youtube link, the version 2, 3 or 4 are shown). This looks like a browser inside a small window. If you play the video, the browser window should scale up to fullscreen.

Screenshots: https://abload.de/img/bildschirmfoto2023-11ztiip.png

Edit: Do you by chance have a few examples of the trailer links in your database?
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