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[RELEASE] MythBox for XBMC - a MythTV Front-end Python Script for XBMC
is there a way to change channels without going back to watch tv menu?
Press THANK USER if I Help
Wow this looks excellent, it makes me want to give setting up Myth another go Smile

Looks like i'll be busy this weekend ! :p

Great work.
Quote:Re-read the install instructions. Especially the part about where to install the script.

I did read the install instructions before installing. I downloaded the latest version posted and noticed that when un-tarring I got a "file is corrupt" error that I hadn't noticed before. It turned out to be WinRAR v3.0 causing the issue. Upgrading to V3.9 solved it.

BTW, I installed XMBC and MythBox all under the same directory on my D: drive and that works fine.

Thanks! Now back to watching Myth.

AuXBoX Wrote:is there a way to change channels without going back to watch tv menu?

Its on the todo list :-)
MythBox for XBMC - http://mythbox.googlecode.com
Hello, I'm a newbie and desperatately trying to get my XBox XBMC to run MythBox. I updated XBMC to the lastest svn and grabbed the latest MythBox as well. Apart from the error "No module named msvcrt" I then get a "Python script failed: Q:\scripts\MythBox\default.py"

I don't know if I have an old Python version or does that ship inside XBMC, if not how to I check the python version and upgrade if needed? The log output is below, help getting it working will be greatly appreciated.

16:51:02 M: 55394304  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Xbox.  Built on Jun 26 2009 (SVN:21142, compiler 1310)

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: Q:\

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: special://xbmc/userdata

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: Q:\

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: Z:\

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: The executable running is: E:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: Log File is located: Q:\xbmc.log

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: Unmapped drive T

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: Mapping drive T to Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\XBMC\userdata

16:51:02 M: 55365632  NOTICE: Setup DirectX

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Mapping drive C to Harddisk0\Partition2

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Mapping drive E to Harddisk0\Partition1

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Unmapped drive D

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Mapping drive D to Cdrom0

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Mapping drive X to Harddisk0\Partition3

16:51:03 M: 55341056  NOTICE: Mapping drive Y to Harddisk0\Partition4

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: Unmapped drive Z

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: Mapping drive Z to Harddisk0\Partition5

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: load settings...

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: Mapping drive P to Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\XBMC\userdata

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://xbmc/userdata

16:51:03 M: 55336960  NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 6

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Default Video Player: mplayer

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer

16:51:03 M: 55185408  NOTICE: Per AV pack settings are off

16:51:03 M: 55296000  NOTICE: special://xbmc/userdata/sources.xml

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button browser_home

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button browser_favorites

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button browser_refresh

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button browser_search

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button launch_app1_pc_icon

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button launch_media_select

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button play_pause

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button stop

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button volume_up

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button volume_mute

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button volume_down

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button next_track

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button prev_track

16:51:03 M: 48721920   ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button launch_mail

16:51:03 M: 48975872  NOTICE: Network: Using dashboard IP settings

16:51:03 M: 48672768  NOTICE: Checking the Date!

16:51:03 M: 48672768  NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection

16:51:03 M: 48607232  NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer

16:51:03 M: 48607232  NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer

16:51:03 M: 48599040  NOTICE: load default skin:[Project Mayhem III]

16:51:05 M: 44322816  NOTICE: initialize done

16:51:05 M: 44322816  NOTICE: Running the application...

16:51:06 M: 41426944  NOTICE: -->Python Initialized<--

16:51:06 M: 41406464  NOTICE:

16:51:06 M: 40882176  NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Starting...

16:51:06 M: 40816640  NOTICE: ES: Starting event server

16:51:06 M: 40816640  NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on

16:51:06 M: 40804352  NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777

16:51:07 M: 30597120  NOTICE: Q:\system\python\python24.zlib\regsub.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the regsub module is deprecated; please use re.sub()

16:51:07 M: 33423360  NOTICE: warning: Computing default hostname

16:51:07 M: 33669120  NOTICE:

16:51:07 M: 33624064 WARNING: Untested function dllgethostbyaddr called!

16:51:07 M: 33357824  NOTICE: Chat Server (V1.7) started on port 8888

16:51:07 M: 32301056  NOTICE:

16:51:08 M: 29478912  NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Started

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: platform = win32

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\src

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\pyxcoder

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\decorator

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\odict

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\elementtree

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\tvdb_api

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\themoviedb

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\IMDbPY

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\simplejson

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\shove

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\MySQLdb

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE: MythBox: syspath += Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\MySQLdb\win32

16:51:14 M: 36335616  NOTICE:

16:51:15 M: 35008512  NOTICE: MythBox: loggerIniFile = Q:\scripts\MythBox\mythbox_win32_log.ini

16:51:15 M: 34988032  NOTICE: DEBUG | mythtv.core | default.py | Line 104 | Mythbox Logger Initialized

16:51:15 M: 34988032  NOTICE: .

16:51:16 M: 33013760  NOTICE: ERROR | mythtv.core | default.py | Line 162 | Initializing stage 2

                             Traceback (most recent call last):

                               File "Q:\scripts\MythBox\default.py", line 152, in ?

                                 import mythtv

                               File "Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\src\mythtv.py", line 21, in ?

                                 import domain

                               File "Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\src\domain.py", line 29, in ?

                                 from ffmpeg import FFMPEG

                               File "Q:\scripts\MythBox\resources\lib\pyxcoder\ffmpeg\__init__.py", line 1, in ?

                                 from subprocess import Popen

                               File "Q:\system\python\python24.zlib\subprocess.py", line 368, in ?

                             ImportError: No module named msvcrt

16:51:16 M: 33013760  NOTICE: .

16:51:20 M: 33468416  NOTICE: Traceback (most recent call last):

16:51:20 M: 33468416  NOTICE:   File "Q:\scripts\MythBox\default.py", line 168, in ?

16:51:20 M: 33468416  NOTICE:

16:51:20 M: 33468416  NOTICE: class Window(ui.BaseWindow):

16:51:20 M: 33472512  NOTICE: NameError

16:51:20 M: 33472512  NOTICE: :

16:51:20 M: 33472512  NOTICE: name 'ui' is not defined

16:51:20 M: 33472512  NOTICE:

16:51:20 M: 33472512   ERROR: Scriptresult: Error

edit: Just noticed my post got moved, sorry it was in the wrong spot. Does anyone have any ideas for me, I've tried the latest XBMC svn and stable release with the same results!?
The README clearly states that the Xbox is not supported.
MythBox for XBMC - http://mythbox.googlecode.com
Oops, I forgot to RTFM.
Any recommendations from anyone on any alternatives that are XBox friendly?
If Xebian was installed on a XBox would MythBox then run on it?
Bedlore Wrote:@analogue
If Xebian was installed on a XBox would MythBox then run on it?

I don't see why not.
MythBox for XBMC - http://mythbox.googlecode.com
Bedlore Wrote:Oops, I forgot to RTFM.
Any recommendations from anyone on any alternatives that are XBox friendly?

RTFM again
I couldn't get it working on Arch Linux - filled out a report


Unknown dlopen() error
error python script failed


I have installed MythBox without any difficulties, but there is one thing that keeps bugging me: I can't change the order in which TV channels appear in the TV guide screen.

I have resorted the channel table in the MythTV db (with phpadmin or in MythTV backend), but the order in MythBox TV guide remains the same as mc2xml created it (great xmltv grabber by the way!). I can't change the channel order that mc2xml creates...Oo

I have been looking at the MythBox source, and I tried to make some adjustments to mythdb.py I changed the sort property in the SQL GetChannel statement from:
ORDER BY ch.chanid
ORDER BY ch.channum
but that screwd up the TV guide info (no data for most channels anymore).

Does anyone know how to change the order of the channels in TV guide?

I am using: mc2xml < MythTV < MythBox < XBMC

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
First: Brilliant front-end! Smile

I'm on an amd64 Linux system so I had to try it through a VMware image. What's the reason for it not working on 64bit Linux? It just dies and I can't find any error in the XBMC log nor the MythBox log. Any pointers?

These are the last eight lines in the xbmc.log:
Quote:23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3233386496 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/share/xbmc/system/python/python24.zip/_bisect.so. flags: 2
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3233386496 DEBUG: Loading: /home/user/.xbmc/temp/_bisect.so
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3233386496 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding _bisect.so (0x35ce370)
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3233386496 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol init_bisect
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3232669696 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/linux64/_mysql.so. flags: 2
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3232669696 DEBUG: Loading: /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/linux64/_mysql.so
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3232260096 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding _mysql.so (0x3702da0)
23:00:59 T:3706878288 M:3232260096 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol init_mysql

I now know that it crashes on
Quote: import mythtv
in default.py

I copied the settings.xml file from my VMware-appliance to my amd64-box and did some more debugging. If I comment out the line
Quote:import MySQLdb
in mythdb.py it continues on past the line
Quote: import mythtv
in default.py and I get into the plugin but with an error message starting with "Settings Error: Coect to MySQL failed: global name 'MySQL...."

beatbreaker Wrote:I couldn't get it working on Arch Linux - filled out a report


Unknown dlopen() error
error python script failed

I removed /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/MySQLdb and then copied /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQdb to that location.

$rm -r /home/[i]user[/i]/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/MySQLdb

$cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/ /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/MySQLdb

Then I removed _mysql.so in the MythBox "linux" directory and replaced it from one from my system.

$rm /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/linux/_mysql.so
$cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/_mysql.so /home/user/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/MythBox/resources/lib/MySQLdb/linux/_mysql.so

Although my recordings crash when I try to play them, but, I believe thats a seperate issue (MythBox runs and LiveTV plays just fine for example).

Edit: The stability issue may be w/the xbmc-svn build I'm using?
Artebonz Wrote:Although my recordings crash when I try to play them, but, I believe thats a seperate issue (MythBox runs and LiveTV plays just fine for example).

Edit: The stability issue may be w/the xbmc-svn build I'm using?

I'll give it a try and report back, thankyou. Are you playing recorded tV over samba? Mounting it locally usually solves it for me tho uve prob already tried
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[RELEASE] MythBox for XBMC - a MythTV Front-end Python Script for XBMC4