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AMD Fusion based hardware for a HTPC?
Robotica Wrote:This all has to do with drivers and hardware acceleration in XBMC. If mentioned techniques are in place, you won't hear a thing about ION and NVidia.

Hardware Acceleration is not working on my Nivida GT430 video card, every time I click on hardware acceleration all the white in a scene flicker like a strobe light...
nemek Wrote:If some one is interested below is my custom xbmc-live ubuntu 10.10 x64 build (done using xbmc-live sdk). Its contains patched xbmc 10 compiled with vaapi enabled and all needed libs (ie libva, xvba-video etc) + latest catalyst 11.3 + mplayer-vaapi (for testing). Its confirmed to work with almost all hd movies ([email protected] / AP@L3 max - xvba limitation) on ati cards (probably uvd2 is required - ie hd 4xxx)

Hi nemek - wondering if there is a newer version of your live-cd with a more recent xbmc. Some recent streaming plugins (e.g. canada-on-demand) only work in recent (March or better) nightlies. Either way, thanks for taking the time to build the livecd!
Thanks nemek for the ISO you have prepared.
I've got everything working, VAAPI, HDMI DD/DTS pass through - all was working right after Live CD installation.

I have one problem though, I can not seem to shut down, suspend or exit from XBMC. It behaves as if XBMC was restarted, no matter what shut down option I choose.

Any ideas?
Hi nemek,

thanks for the live CD. It seems to be working great on an Giada A50 AMD Fusion PC. However it looks like I can't play 1080p videos without (slight) stuttering. 720p works ok though. Video resolution was set to 1920 x 1080 but I couldn't find a way to get it working without the stuttering. Any idea how to get it working also for 1080p?

thanks & cu
OMG i dont understand any word in this forum, i never used linux or smthg. god dammit....

I JUST want a working ISO for downloading!!!!!!!! .....so plz can someone give a link.??

Nemeks ISO didnt work for me. Some guys managed to make it work, but why arent they offering it here?

I have a ZBOX AD02 plus / Zacate <---------------

nemek Wrote:If some one is interested below is my custom xbmc-live ubuntu 10.10 x64 build (done using xbmc-live sdk). Its contains patched xbmc 10 compiled with vaapi enabled and all needed libs (ie libva, xvba-video etc) + latest catalyst 11.3 + mplayer-vaapi (for testing). Its confirmed to work with almost all hd movies ([email protected] / AP@L3 max - xvba limitation) on ati cards (probably uvd2 is required - ie hd 4xxx)

can you upload a "ready to use" Image. we are normal people,you know^^
Here's a torrent of the full iso.


It's seeding from my box at home for now, but I'll get it on a better pipe tomorrow. It would be REALLY nice if these changes could get rolled into the official release (hint hint, nudge nudge).
Darakian Wrote:Here's a torrent of the full iso.


It's seeding from my box at home for now, but I'll get it on a better pipe tomorrow. It would be REALLY nice if these changes could get rolled into the official release (hint hint, nudge nudge).

Is this based on Nemek build? What did you do? Upgrade all drivers or just an ISO of the rar'ed files? Can you explain a little what the download is and contains?

If so I add you to the OP instead of Nemeks build...
It's the exact nemek build. I unrared them and made it a torrent. I'll be keeping it seeded 24/7.
Thnx. You made it even easier for a lot of people to get this started. See the updated OP for reference:

dazombie46 Wrote:can you upload a "ready to use" Image. we are normal people,you know^^

Uploading a .torrent file... to a website... with a captcha. For (@*#$ sake, at least get a drop box account. It's free and allows direct linking. Then there was no one seeding a few days later I noticed it finally completed. I'll leave it open for a while, but NZB are much faster:


Or split into rars:

Grab as:
curl -O http://xbmc.exstatic.org/xbmc-10.0-live-amd/xbmc-10.0-live-amd.part[01-53].rar

Good if you have an unreliable internet connection.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
Robotica Wrote:Thnx. You made it even easier for a lot of people to get this started. See the updated OP for reference:


Looking good - but might be good to add the actual steps to install XBMC and where that fits into the process - which don't seem to be there?
That iso fixed up my lag problems, runs very smooth now, however only the live portion works.

I am unable to install it, it will just hang, and pop to a menu asking for what to do next, and no matter what you select is begins installing to the system.
Ghost22 Wrote:I am unable to install it, it will just hang, and pop to a menu asking for what to do next, and no matter what you select is begins installing to the system.

Same Issue here.
Big Grin 
darkscout Wrote:Uploading a .torrent file... to a website... with a captcha. For (@*#$ sake, at least get a drop box account. It's free and allows direct linking. Then there was no one seeding a few days later I noticed it finally completed. I'll leave it open for a while, but NZB are much faster:


Or split into rars:

Grab as:
curl -O http://xbmc.exstatic.org/xbmc-10.0-live-amd/xbmc-10.0-live-amd.part[01-53].rar

Good if you have an unreliable internet connection.

its the same NEMEK ISO!!!!!!!No i already had this, and it didnt work to get it on USb!

So i asked you guys to give us the "whole IMAGE" of your USb Stick you missunderstood me Huh nemeks iso didnt work with Lili's Tool
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AMD Fusion based hardware for a HTPC?2