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TomPiXX Wrote:I cannot wait for the next release! Big Grin

Me neither!Rolleyes
moonwalker Wrote:Me neither!Rolleyes

Ok, I dont think we need 100 "I can't wait" posts. I think we are all excited.
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
Kind of a simple request if it can be worked into next release...a submenu for "exit" on the shutdown menu -- I keep having to switch back to confluence when I just want to exit XBMC to my linux shell for command line work, etc.

Thanks Macros, love this skin and hoping the light version will allow me to place it on my Apple TVs too!
MarcosQui Wrote:What I do not make to see you happy? Rofl

It has also been implemented in version 2.6.1.

I believe that is enough for now, I'll finish what was started in order to finish the skin.

MarcosQui U R THE BEST!!!!!!

I cant wait for the next release!!

Ow and I deleted the TVTunes addon like u said and i dont have the runtime.dll error anymore so thanx for thats aswell!!
BDPNA Wrote:Kind of a simple request if it can be worked into next release...a submenu for "exit" on the shutdown menu

What sets the "Exit" would do differently than we have today?

Today if you click on the word SHUTDOWN, XBMC is closed, or choose an option from the submenu, at least in Windows works perfectly.

BDPNA Wrote:Kind of a simple request if it can be worked into next release...a submenu for "exit" on the shutdown menu -- I keep having to switch back to confluence when I just want to exit XBMC to my linux shell for command line work, etc.

Thanks Macros, love this skin and hoping the light version will allow me to place it on my Apple TVs too!

You can always Ctrl+Alt+F1-F8 to switch to a different tty.
Hi Marcos,

just a quick note for you...
I have updated the German strings and copied the xml here:


Should be easy to implement...

- - - Tribute to Metallica - - -
If I managed to help you, please click my reputation
I have bad news. The language has received many new names and this file is its outdated and incorrect.

It's no good I'll send the file at this time because it is still developing, so wait a bit longer before releasing the skin I send the file to fix.

I appreciate your cooperation.

I want to enjoy and call the translators of Italian and Spanish language. Long ago that they do not get updated and has many things missing.
No Problem...I will translate the updated strings as soon as you give me the ok...

- - - Tribute to Metallica - - -
If I managed to help you, please click my reputation
MarcosQui Wrote:I have bad news. The language has received many new names and this file is its outdated and incorrect.

It's no good I'll send the file at this time because it is still developing, so wait a bit longer before releasing the skin I send the file to fix.

I appreciate your cooperation.

I want to enjoy and call the translators of Italian and Spanish language. Long ago that they do not get updated and has many things missing.

MarcosQui Hi, I do not usually post much, but I am looking forward your new version of aeon to translate it into Spanish, send by mail the file and translate it with pleasure, greetings and sorry for my English
Shinu Wrote:I was actually referring to the Landscape ....

And for the Shinu be happy, the mode Banner 2 now supports Landscape.jpg Big Grin


look at line 478 in your file. The word BEWERTUNG is not the corrct translation i think. The word must ALTERSFREIGABE or FSK or something


i´m new here but i love your skin from the first second and hope that the 2.6.1 will rlsed the next days.


you should finaly finished with the new version instead of add more and more news NodWink
MarcosQui Wrote:And for the Shinu be happy, the mode Banner 2 now supports Landscape.jpg Big Grin


That looks amazing!
I wonder if anyone here can answer a question I have related to Aeon MQ2…

I have a Simpsons playlist that contains all the episodes of the Simpsons in a random order. I would like to add this to the main menu in AeonMQ2, but when I do and I select it it opens the playlist in a new view and shows all the episodes in descending order so I lose the randomness that I am looking for. What I would like is for the playlist to start playing when I select it.

I notice in guisettings.xml that playlists added to the main menu are opened with an ActivateWindow command. I have tried replacing this with a PlayMedia command, and this seems to work for a short time but then my guisettings.xml is deleted and recreated on reboot and I lose all my settings! I have since read on the forums that you are not supposed to manually edit guisettings.xml but rather advancedsettings.xml, but the problem is skin settings cannot be applied by advancedsettings.xml.

Is there a way I can add a playlist to the Aeon main menu and have it play rather than open when I select it?

This would make this skin absolutely perfect for me!
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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 232