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ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S805
(2015-07-18, 16:53)noggin Wrote: wrxtasy - has the unofficial OpenElec build project for the C1 ground to a halt? There don't seem to have been any new releases, other than to fix the HDMI clock fault (that caused AV drop outs particularly with AVRs) for ages?

I am tempted to give Android another go - but I really don't like it...
There is still very slow progress on unofficial OpenElec.
I believe the developer for OpenElec zalaare uses a different Linux Kernel source to what is in this Android release from HardKernel.

This Frame Rate Automation Kernel has been released too for Ubuntu, but it has major video issues and should never have seen space on the Hardkernel update server without proper testing.

You will need the KitKat GAAPS installer from here to get the Google Play store up and running if you need to install MX Player. To save searching:

I'm slowly coming around to Android now after being a long time cynic previously. This Kernel really is a video sync beauty and has changed my viewpoint.
My video codec and Audio playback requirements are not taxing or exotic and I like the Android Apps integration Kodi Isengard provides. Smile

(2015-07-18, 17:34)wrxtasy Wrote: I'm slowly coming around to Android now after being a long time cynic previously. This Kernel really is a video sync beauty and has changed my viewpoint.
My video codec and Audio playback requirements are not taxing or exotic and I like the Android Apps integration Kodi Isengard provides. Smile

My issue with Android (other than poor quality audio and usually poor quality deinterlacing and refresh rate support - but the AMLogic solution appears to solve that) is that it always seems to need a mouse to drive it - and there doesn't seem to be a good solution for just using an IR remote or similar. The FireTV Stick was the closest I've come to finding an Android implementation that works for me. (But my Fire TV Stick is now with my mum so she can watch Netflix and iPlayer on her non-smart TV)
I use FLIRC and a Harmony remote that did not even need remapping after being in the RPI2. It Navigates most Android Apps.
Plus a cheap $4 Measy Air Mouse as a supplemental and a spare BT Apple keyboard.

(2015-07-18, 18:04)wrxtasy Wrote: I use FLIRC and a Harmony remote that did not even need remapping after being in the RPI2. It Navigates most Android Apps.
Plus a cheap $4 Measy Air Mouse as a supplemental and a spare BT Apple keyboard.

Yep - it's having to grab the Air Mouse that will annoy me intensely. I have a cheap 2.4GHz mini keyboard and trackpad - but hate having to use it to navigate the Android UI.
Once you are in Kodi tho, with FLIRC and a remote control its just like a normal Kodi appliance.

ODROID Utility:
Governor > Performance
178000 Mhz Overclock

Speedup Kodi GUI Interface:
Change Vblank Sync to - Enable durung Video Playback

Thanks for the update wrxtasy. I'm still reading this thread with interest. I appreciate the input that yourself and noggin have given, and I'm thinking of getting hold of one of these soon, maybe trying out Kodi on Android.

From what I've read I must say I'm impressed with Hardkernel. They seem much more honest, and on the ball then Solidrun, who I feel personally screwed myself over. along with a few other unfortunate users, when they released the cuboxi/hummingboard devices.

Thanks for keeping us up to date with the progress.
wrxtasy - just tried Android 4.4.2 1.7 burned to a Samsung 32GB EVO MicroSD card, and I just get the Android ADM screen with lots of
"Can't mount /cache/...." errors

I burned the image with dd in OS X just as I would any other .img file (say for a Pi 2)

I then reboot and get stuck on the Hardkernel logo.

Is there an issue with Samsung MicroSD cards?
I can only get the Android image to flash properly and install to that exact same card with:

sudo dd if=/Location_of_image/selfinstall-odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.2_master-372-v1.7.img  of=/dev/disk7 bs=1m

I have issues with the flashed image if I use of=/dev/rdisk7

The Samsung EVO microSDHC, has problems with rebooting on the C1. After Android installs on the first boot (black screen), the C1 will reboot and get stuck on the HardKernel Logo. Just pull the power and wait, then reboot. It may take a few goes. Samsung SD cards are a major PITA with the C1.

For anyone reading. Sandisk microSDHC card have no issues with the C1. Samsung - reboot issues. There is a MMC driver fix coming, but I don't know when as the patched driver source code is not being shared currently by its originator.

Ah - I always use rdisk when flashing for my Pi 2. Will try again without. I had issues witt both eMMC and 3 Micro SD cards.

**EDIT - yep - that seems to have been it. Had to interrupt my HDMI connection after the Hardkernel logo appeared, but now seeing the Android Robot and a progress bar. Reboot and now in to Android logo **

First file I try to play on Kodi Isengard on the C1. 1080/50i H264 Blu-ray folder at around 25-30Mbs from an NTFS locally connected hard drive. Raspberry Pi 2 running OpenElec plays it fine. C1 is a blocky mess with one CPU sitting at 100%.

Second file I try is an off-air recording from BBC One HD - around 8-10Mbs from the same drive. Lots of buffering issues.

Are there issues with NTFS local storage?

** EDIT : Looks like it may be related to sync playback to display option. Disabling that may have improve things ? **
No idea. About NTFS. I use FAT32 direct connected HDD and local networked drives from my Mac.

I'm not having issues with 720/50i mpeg2 + 1080/25i mpeg TV broadcasts up to 15Mb/s from a Networked TVHeadend server.

Question: is the 1080/50i H264 codec that common ?
Would a typical $35 Android user even see that codec, I certainly have not so have not tested it.

(2015-07-19, 19:00)wrxtasy Wrote: Question: is the 1080/50i H264 codec that common ?

Yes - it's standard for all European broadcast HDTV, along with 720/50p H264. (Australia, North America, Japan and Korea are really the only places where MPEG2 is used for HD. Europe is pretty much all H264 for HDTV) It's also standard for most TV Blu-ray releases here, though there are some VC-1 1080/50i releases too (which are a pain)
All the UK Freeview HD and Freesat HD broadcasts we get on DVB-T2, DVB-S and DVB-S2 are all 1080/50i.
Quote:Would a typical $35 Android user even see that codec, I certainly have not so have not tested it.
If they live in Europe and watch HDTV via TV Headend, VDR, Myth TV etc.. Absolutely. Just as likely to see it as a $35 Raspberry Pi 2 user.
BTW - just installed Netflix on Android 4.4.2 v 1.7 on my C1. 480p max quality. Looks a bit dismal compared to Netflix 1080p on a Fire TV stick or a Windows 8.1 Tablet connected via HDMI.
Yeah agreed, I also still have a Chromecast that does Netflix 1080p as well and can tell the difference in a back to back comparison.
480p Netflix is pretty much standard for Android devices that can be have Firmware that allows root access or can be rooted.

So did 1080/50i work with am-h264 when you fiddled around with the Kodi settings ?
Maybe try and boot the C1 by changing the Android resolution in the boot.ini file on the Fat Partition to 1080p50Hz.

(2015-07-19, 20:02)wrxtasy Wrote: Maybe try and boot the C1 by changing the Android resolution in the boot.ini file on the Fat Partition to 1080p50Hz.
Is this different to setting 1080p 50Hz in the ODroid Utility app in Android - which I did on initial set-up? (It felt like this might just re-editing the config file ?)

Will give it another go in a bit.

Having Spotify and BBC iPlayer Radio on it is quite cool. But navigating the UI is proving frustrating with my RF keyboard and touchpad. Very frustrating. And what's with Android apps flipping into Portrait (Nokia Here does it)?
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ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S8051