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[RELEASE] RTP Play Video addon (Portuguese Television)
Looking at the Kodi log i get this: ERROR: Decode - avcodec_decode_video returned failure
For anyone wondering about this issue i've found the solution. I had to turn off Hardware Acceleration under Settings/ Player/ Videos/ Processing and set hardware acceleration to Off.
Hi there..,,

I am experancing extermly lots of lags... I been using this plugin for long time and never had this issue. Its now little over a week that we experance this...
Hello friends, this is my first post on the entire forum.
Im Portuguese , and I use Kodi on my Raspberry Pi on my tv like a media web content access.
So I use this RTP Play addon, but in the last 2 weeks the channels dont work I dont understand Why, I already try uninstall and reinstall the addon and not work, I also try to see if the problem is with the addons of my Raspberry and I open Kod of my PC with Kodi and I see that the problem still occur in PC also.

In the Raspberry I use Recalbox with the Kodi version 16.1 .

In the PC the version of Kodi is 17.4.

Any Idea what I can do to male work the addon?

(2017-10-16, 23:22)portaro Wrote: Hello friends, this is my first post on the entire forum.
Im Portuguese , and I use Kodi on my Raspberry Pi on my tv like a media web content access.
So I use this RTP Play addon, but in the last 2 weeks the channels dont work I dont understand Why, I already try uninstall and reinstall the addon and not work, I also try to see if the problem is with the addons of my Raspberry and I open Kod of my PC with Kodi and I see that the problem still occur in PC also.

In the Raspberry I use Recalbox with the Kodi version 16.1 .

In the PC the version of Kodi is 17.4.

Any Idea what I can do to male work the addon?


It is working fine for me. Can you post a debug log?

Big Grin 
(2017-10-20, 02:03)enen92 Wrote:
(2017-10-16, 23:22)portaro Wrote: Hello friends, this is my first post on the entire forum.
Im Portuguese , and I use Kodi on my Raspberry Pi on my tv like a media web content access.
So I use this RTP Play addon, but in the last 2 weeks the channels dont work I dont understand Why, I already try uninstall and reinstall the addon and not work, I also try to see if the problem is with the addons of my Raspberry and I open Kod of my PC with Kodi and I see that the problem still occur in PC also.

In the Raspberry I use Recalbox with the Kodi version 16.1 .

In the PC the version of Kodi is 17.4.

Any Idea what I can do to male work the addon?


It is working fine for me. Can you post a debug log?


Ok at this momment I just finish to open the Kodi on the PC , on the PC the Kodi that I have installed is Krypton, and I open rtpplay to try to do the Logfile and the rtpplay this time works, so maybe the problem disappear on the PC. At this momment I can't use the Raspberry to see if in the Raspberry the problem also is correct, probably tomorrow I can see if in the Raspberry the problem is or not solved, my Raspberry uses the 16 version of Kodi. So probable tomorrow I come here and put some info about the Kodi on Raspberry .

Thanks for your support.
Ok today I test the Kodi on the Raspberry with 16.1 Kodi version installed and dont work in the following line I put the link to the logfile and I hope that other people can help me →


I experiment some actions to try to pass this problem I already uninstall and reinstall the addon, remove other addons that have the RTP channels inside the channels list, try to clean the cache, and nothing works the rtpplay cant work and I dont understand why , in the events nothing appear , when I click on one of the channels of the rtpplay to initiate the stream the addon do nothing no open any message and no open any emission.

Kodi version is 16.1 on my raspberry.


At the momment I haven 't any idea how to solve my problem, I aready uninstall and reinstall the addon, I disable and uninstall other addons on kodi and nothing work.

In other pcs kodi and rtpplay works well , so I cant find what is the problem , and I thinking at this momment in replace my recalbox on sd card with other system.
This looks like an issue in Kodi itself however Jarvis is dead and krypton is already end of life too so any potential fixes won't be applied to jarvis. Consider to update your system and verify if the issue still persists in Krypton .
Also please take the time to clean your Kodi setup it is full of banned addons
The addon is reporting the correct stream urls to Kodi so not much I can do.

You can also try to play with the video acceleration options in kodi to see if it has any effect (however thats not really a solution but a workaround)

(2017-11-21, 00:50)enen92 Wrote: This looks like an issue in Kodi itself however Jarvis is dead and krypton is already end of life too so any potential fixes won't be applied to jarvis. Consider to update your system and verify if the issue still persists in Krypton .
Also please take the time to clean your Kodi setup it is full of banned addons
The addon is reporting the correct stream urls to Kodi so not much I can do.

You can also try to play with the video acceleration options in kodi to see if it has any effect (however thats not really a solution but a workaround)

Yes I think that the real problem is the version of Kodi because today I put a new Recalbox on SD Card with a new and completely clean version of Recalbox and the first addon that  I install in the Kodi is RTP Play and dont work so the problem is the version of Kodi.

I hope that I can upgrade Kodi on Recalbox if is possible - I search in forums and the people say that is not possible maybe I fid some method.

Thanks for your help.

I have the same problem. Sometimes the stream plays and other times it crashes kodi. I played with all the acceleration settings. This isn't working on a shield, Android phone and raspberry Pi. I also tested the RTP play app on Android and it has a similar issue where the stream doesn't play. My log is here..

Hi there, I just updated from KODI Isengard to Krypton on my Raspberry Pi 3. Unfortunately the playback from the RTP Play addon is worse since the update, image is less defined and there is noticeably more lag.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong?

Thanks for your help and thanks to the author for making this addon available

Hello enen92,
I am using Kodi 17.6 on my android devices and every time i select a channel it gets stuck on the loading screen. I checked the log and i get the following. I also tried to play with the hardware acceleration but it did not solve the problem.

12:43:07.847 T:18446744072511167416  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: https://streaming-live.rtp.pt/liverepeat...ozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36&Referer=http://www.rtp.pt/play/
12:43:07.847 T:18446744072511167416 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
12:43:07.890 T:18446744072509000888  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
12:43:08.023 T:18446744072509000888  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
12:44:31.719 T:18446744072513253008  NOTICE: Trying to open: 44100 samplerate 12 channelMask 4 encoding
12:44:31.740 T:18446744072513253008  NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 60208 m_frames: 3763 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
12:47:18.819 T:18446744072513253008  NOTICE: Trying to open: 44100 samplerate 12 channelMask 4 encoding
12:47:18.828 T:18446744072513253008  NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 60208 m_frames: 3763 m_frameSize: 8 channels:
I am also seeing the issue on windows 10 kodi 17.6 but there are some funny things happening:

It seems to happen on rtp1 but not on rtp3
It does not happen all the time; e.g. 9am EST RTP1 is OK but 5pm EST RTP1 hangs
When it does hang it is still downloading the data
You can stop the 'hang' by providing input to the skin you are using (e.g. I am using Mimic and if I press letter S I am able to reach the settings menu, after which I can exit the settings menu and the 'hang' is no longer there) but the stream is still downloading invisibly in the background
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[RELEASE] RTP Play Video addon (Portuguese Television)5