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NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)
nickr yeah that normally means spring summer of the USA
Blatant hemisphereism.
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(2015-05-18, 01:27)nickr Wrote: From the same wikipeia article I referred to earlier:
Quote: 4K Blu-ray Disc technology will be licensed in the spring or summer of 2015, and 4K Blu-ray Disc players have an expected release date of Christmas 2015.

I guess that is a reference to northern hemisphere spring/summer.

You may see 4K BD players and get the >10 movies out on 4K disc (if your lucky), but that isn't going to be helpful getting those movies on your HD to add to your collection.

You will still need a 4K drive for your PC and software that will rip those discs, it's a good bet that they have some sort of new protection for 4K. So unless you're only interested in playing individual discs or streaming from sites like Netflix, Amazon, etc. none of this really means anything for Kodi users.

Besides, I don't know why people are all that wound up over 4K. Yeah, it may be great for landscape scene, nature or CGI (although if it's bad in 1080p it's going to be even worse in 4K), but most movies have people in them and that will make 4K like looking in one of those 20X magnification mirrors. Personally, I don't want to watch a movie, see a close up of an actor and feel like I'm looking at the surface of the moon (because you can see every pore on their face).
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For me it's more about the HDR that's coming with 4K. Agreed about the extra resolution though, think it's overhyped.

This was just posted last night. Did anyone else see the Amazon listing before it was pulled? Maybe the 500GB was just a dev unit, but maybe it is a real product, why else would there be an Amazon product page as well?


Found this as well, cached Amazon image:

Cached Amazon Product Page:
I'm getting the 16GB version; believe you can expand storage (for apps/data) via the microSD card slot.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
(2015-05-18, 16:03)hdmkv Wrote: I'm getting the 16GB version; believe you can expand storage (for apps/data) via the microSD card slot.

I also plan on getting a 16GB version. This is going to be strictly a media device for me. I'll also probably toss in a microSD for extra if I need it. I plan on selling the controller as soon as I get it as well, if anyone here wants to buy it, otherwise going on the Bay. I already have a Logitech Harmony, want to see how much the media remote it to see if I want add that as well. I said earlier in this thread that I wish they sold the base unit alone for cheaper, or a base unit + media remote package. Bundling the controller means those of us who want this just as a media device are paying a premium for a controller we won't use, but oh well, hopefully they sell aftermarket.
Well its got a USB 3.0 slot as well. What is better and faster for media storage? USB 3.0 or microSD?
Either should be fast enough, but question is what sort of storing ability nVidia will allow. For example, when Amazon Fire TV started supporting USB storage, only actual apps could be moved over, but not the accompanying app/game data, which often is much larger.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
I think it does not make any sense to block off the ports from storage. Nvidia is gearing theirs to be more of a gaming device, so hopefully they realize the importance of storage.
(2015-05-18, 18:06)ozkhan1 Wrote: I think it does not make any sense to block off the ports from storage. Nvidia is gearing theirs to be more of a gaming device, so hopefully they realize the importance of storage.
Same could be said about the FireTV, but that didn't mean Amazon let you attach USB drives.
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you can now. It is now not blocked.

Thats why I said Nvidia should realize that since it took a while for Amazon to realize that. I have personally not tried attaching a USB drive to my FTV but I heard there was a firmware update recently that has made it available for storage.
Yes, but only apps can be moved to USB, not the data tied to them. For many games, the data is what takes up most of the space. Hopefully, nVidia's Android TV will be more friendly as far as external storage support.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Did not know that... that is a bummer...
Well, Nvidia did make it a point that it would be expandable by 128GB via micoSD. Whether that means that both apps and data can be moved/installed to the mSD will be something that we'll have to wait and see.

But with how large some of the Android games are going to be it would be a big oversight if Nvidia didn't allow both the apps and the data to be stored on the mSD. With 16GB of storage, your only going to have between 12-14GB free then if you download something like Crisis 3, which will probably be 3-5GB, then some other game apps your going fill that free space up pretty fast.
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