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Android Music Pump Kodi Remote
Ok, so web-interface check doesn't do anything at all.
Check if you can access the webinterface from the xbmc box itself using a browser.

Once that works you have to find out where in your network setup the communication gets blocked. You may have different ip ranges in your wifi network and wired network and maybe there is a NAT between the networks. It's probably not the app causing your problem.
Cheers - figured it out in the end. You're right, it wasn't the app - it was my firewall! Where I'd introduced the wifi-extender, the PC was treating it as a new network and so defaulted to the 'public' firewall settings thus blocking it - bloody thing! Quite why it worked fine for the first week or so is beyond me though!

Thanks for the pointers though, they did help a lot getting to the bottom of it!
first of all, your app is amazing - by far the best I've seen for xbmc. Thank you very much for making it.

That said, I seem to be having a problem similar to the one a few others have mentioned - the queued songs playback stops after one song played.
Now, I've read through the whole thread, and have tried almost everything, and I have now pinned down the issue somewhat:
the queue plays just fine when the phone (a nexus 4, running JB 4.2.1, if it matters) is active - i.e. the Music Pump app is running in the foreground/background, and the phone is not locked. When it is locked, however, playback stops after each song.
I have closed every possible app on the PC that could interfere with port 9090, and made sure that WiFi stays on when the phone is idle (both via the phone's settings, and a couple of third party apps), but I just can't figure it out.
Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks again.
Are you using the stable xbmc eden builds or a xbmc frodo build?

To see if the notification channel is setup properly you can usually just press the play/pause button in the bottom bar. If the icon changes from play/pause it means that you received an event from xbmc over port 9090. But since you say that the next song plays when your phone is awake I think that part is working

So maybe your nexus 4 is just suffering from a wifi bug like the following one.
Thanks for the reply,
I was using a frodo build (rc 3), but I have now installed a stable eden release, and the problem persists. Although I'm not sure whether I need to do anything besides uninstalling frodo and installing eden (maybe deleting some cache files?).

The play/pause icon changes fine, until the first time the playback stops. So say I turned on the app, then added a few songs to the queue. If I leave the phone unlocked, and press the play/pause button, the icon changes, and it works just fine. Then, if I lock the device, after the song finishes playing, nothing happens. If I unlock the phone, and open Music Pump, the play/pause icon doesn't respond, the playing icon in the queue is positioned near the previous song, and if I go into "Now Playing", I also see the previous song, with the timer at it's end. If I restart Music Pump, all returns to normal (until. of course, the next time).

Regarding the network issues - I have read through the thread, and looked into the wifi problem, but I don't think there is one. I have a continuous ping reply when I lock the device, and all other notifications (whatsapp, emails etc.) seem to be working just fine - the wifi does not get turned off.

Any further help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the amazing app!

I have upgraded to the full version and am having a small issue with the "airplay" feature. As I am listening to a song, on my phone from the XBMC server on my Desktop, my screen locks, and everything is okay for a couple of minutes, and then everything stops.

What I think is happening, is that my phone drops the wifi connection after it has been locked. I don't know if this is something the app can control: keeping the wifi open doesn't seem super likely, but maybe it can keep the phone from locking itself? I don't know that much about the capabilities of an app in this regard. Maybe its something only my phone can deal with. I have an LG optimus one.

Thanks for any help you can give!!!

-A fellow pennybridge pioneer
(2013-01-28, 06:48)superdupes Wrote: Thanks for the amazing app!

I have upgraded to the full version and am having a small issue with the "airplay" feature. As I am listening to a song, on my phone from the XBMC server on my Desktop, my screen locks, and everything is okay for a couple of minutes, and then everything stops.

What I think is happening, is that my phone drops the wifi connection after it has been locked. I don't know if this is something the app can control: keeping the wifi open doesn't seem super likely, but maybe it can keep the phone from locking itself? I don't know that much about the capabilities of an app in this regard. Maybe its something only my phone can deal with. I have an LG optimus one.

Thanks for any help you can give!!!

-A fellow pennybridge pioneer

It is indeed possible to use wake-locks and wifi-locks in an android app to prevent the phone from turning off wifi/getting killed in the background. As long as Music Pump has the audio focus, it does hold those locks. If another app requests audio focus Music Pump releases the locks (Other music player starts playing or phone is ringing,..), and will likely get killed in the next couple of minutes by the android system
Some apps have bugs and are requesting audio focus when they are running in the background. One of the misbehaving apps you may have on your device is Yatse (causes problems when the lockscreen controls are enabled, at least the last time I checked).

@mcouthon: It's hard to tell what else could be causing your problem. If you have Yatse installed, try to disable it's lockscreen controls to see if it works better.
Hmm. I do not have Yatse installed on my phone. Maybe if I do an update for my Android that will help, I think it has been a while.

Any other suggestions on which apps are hogging audio focus? Is there any way for me to figure that out for myself ? (sorry, I don't know that much about logging and stuff on the android.)

Thanks a lot!

It's relatively difficult to detect problems with audio focus but music or video apps could cause problems. The problem could also be caused by other things like bad wifi signal causing your device to shortly disconnect/reconnect...

Just as a test: Have you tried to set your screen always on in the android settings to see if the music stream still stops after a while?
First of all I just want to say thanks so much to Millencolin007 for this superb app.

Couple of small questions;

1.) One of the only frustrations I have with the otherwise incredibly slick interface is the difficulty of accessing volume controls. I have to leave the Now Playing screen and return to the library root before I can see the little remote control symbol at the top of the screen. Only after then pressing this remote control symbol can I adjust the volume. (Unless I'm missing something obvious). Would it be possible to add a more intuitive, accessible way to access volume control?

2.) Is there any chance of adding "recently added music" to the app?

3.) A couple of questions about the unlocked version. Is it per device? Or lifetime key for all devices? Again sorry if this is explained somewhere I missed.

Thanks again Smile
(2013-02-12, 08:14)kiboy6 Wrote: First of all I just want to say thanks so much to Millencolin007 for this superb app.

Couple of small questions;

1.) One of the only frustrations I have with the otherwise incredibly slick interface is the difficulty of accessing volume controls. I have to leave the Now Playing screen and return to the library root before I can see the little remote control symbol at the top of the screen. Only after then pressing this remote control symbol can I adjust the volume. (Unless I'm missing something obvious). Would it be possible to add a more intuitive, accessible way to access volume control?

2.) Is there any chance of adding "recently added music" to the app?

3.) A couple of questions about the unlocked version. Is it per device? Or lifetime key for all devices? Again sorry if this is explained somewhere I missed.

Thanks again Smile

Glad you like the app, don't forget to rate it in the play store ;-)

The more intuitive way would be to use the hardware volume buttons on your android device ;-)

A solution is to create a new "smart playlist" on xbmc with your recently added music. Then you can access it from the playlists section but I have planned to display recently added/played music/tv/movies on the main screens (at least for tablets)

You can install/reinstall on any device as long as you use the same google account on the different devices.
I have the problem that after every song it stops playing. im using a raspberry pi without firewall so so port 9090 cant be blocked. any other solutions? i think problem could be cause of the wlan connection which stops when display is off although in settings keeping alive is activated. any ideas?
(2013-02-12, 22:27)furryhamster Wrote: I have the problem that after every song it stops playing. im using a raspberry pi without firewall so so port 9090 cant be blocked. any other solutions? i think problem could be cause of the wlan connection which stops when display is off although in settings keeping alive is activated. any ideas?

Have you double checked if the following option are enabled: Settings -> Services -> Remote Control -> Enable both options under that tab "Allow Programs...on this/on other..."
Which xbmc build are you using? Maybe try a recent nightly build to see if it works better. For me it seems to works.

I am working on a new option where you can choose if you want to use the local queue or if you want to queue songs directly in the xbmc queue. This way I can eliminate 3/4 of the discussions in this thread since the main issue seems to be music stoping after a while.

Both modes will have their advantages and disadvantages. More details about that once it is ready.

AVG Antivirus on Android has flagged Music Pump XBMC Remote as Malware by mistake (False Positive)...

I have already contacted them so you don't need to report this issue or downrate the app in the playstore because of this. The app does nothing malicious and I hope that AVG fixes the problem soon
Yatse gets flagged too without reason Smile perhaps because of using the same libs ?

They did answer me and said that they have corrected the problems with the last update from today. (The fastest way to get answer was from inside app contact part)
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