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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC 12.00 - Frodo beta release
I just want to report a bug.

When I am watching a show and sickbeard notifies xbmc of a finished tv episode download and to update the library xbmc crashes.

I have the log files https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8531912/xbmc_crash.zip

Please let me know if you need any more info
I compiled a new version based on the latest code. Download:

Just curious on which version of ATI drivers are installed on this version. If it's 12.6 or I'll wait to do another full install until the stable.
12.6 by default is not an option. There are some legacy users that need < 12.6 version of the driver.
Though I don't know what version is actually shipping. If you find it out - report back :-)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Just wanted to say I fired this up in a virtual machine to play around with it and it's looking good. I like the skin changes. I synced it with my current mysql db after making a backup and it found everything, letting me pickup where I left off even.

I've been disappointed because I can't figure out how to build xbmc packages due to all the dependency changes and I refuse to "make install" so I never got to play with the new version, but I love it! I'm planning to put it on my HTPC for testing on a real TV.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Can I use the v7 iso to upgrade from v6, without doing a fresh install and losing my settings?

Or can I achieve the same thing with "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"?
the latter will work
I just clean installed end-October release and I have no sound over HDMI. I have an ION system.
ma audio output settings are:

audio output HDMI
Speaker config 5.1
Audio output device HDA Nvidia, HDMI
Passtrough device HDA Nvidia, HDMI

Any ideas?

I remember I've found the answer to this question in this forum. I recomend to use the Search ;-)
(2012-11-01, 23:25)ferent Wrote: I remember I've found the answer to this question in this forum. I recomend to use the Search ;-)

and I have solved this issue on my numerous xbmc installs in the past. However I have no experience with Audio Engine and the search did not provide anything useful.
usually you have to run alsamixer as root and press "M" on the muted SPDIF channels to get sound working again on the revo
(2012-11-02, 10:38)sej7278 Wrote: usually you have to run alsamixer as root and press "M" on the muted SPDIF channels to get sound working again on the revo

yep that has fixed it. Strange I think last time I installed XBMCbuntu 11.00 I did not have to run alsamixer.

In any case thanks for your help.
Just updated to the v7 ISO and a strangeness has appeared.

Did a clean wipe (due to another issue, unrelated to XBMC [I think] but I may toss out later to see if anyone has a clue).

Added in the Repository plugin, let it update to the latest.

Tried to add a Repository... and... XBMC froze.

It gives the downloading message, the 'needs to restart' but the OK button is blank. and it freezes hard, reset button time. Can't even putty in.
Of couse the log is wiped out.. but.. anyone else seen this?
The built in version of tvheadend in this is still screwed.

The person who packaged this in would do well to explain what on earth is going on in terms of permissions.

It's impossible to login to webgui without some messing around that involved pot luck for anyone except who knows exactly what they are doing.
It's impossible to remove the version packaged completely as it's run at bootup for anyone except a pro.
It's impossible to get settings to stick.

Lord knows how but I have managed to get into the webgui using snippets of help from all over the place.

But now have "permission denied" when adding muxes or doing anything at all in the webgui.

I've edited the superuser file to have the credentials I used when installing xbmcbuntu - no difference.

Would REALLY appreciate a quick run through of what you have to do to get this working correctly..

Many thanks.
I was using the first version of this ISO, I had kept updating my XBMC via apt-get, And along the way the Remote Communication Server stopped working (could not send notifications/commands from sickbeard/couch potato) or use the XBMC Official Android App Controller. (this gives error: I/O Exception, Http://MY_IP:5544/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?comm...mInfo(120))
Changing port does not change anything.

So I reinstalled using the V7 disc and all was working, Till I updated XBMC the other night, Then it broke it again.

I am sorry I don't have logs at the moment, I am at work. I can get some later. But thought I would post and see if any one else has these issues.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC 12.00 - Frodo beta release1