2018-07-22, 15:32
(2018-07-18, 15:16)MovieMan123 Wrote:To change the title in the footer you'll have to change the alignment/position of the footer (includesfooter.xml). Take notice that changing footer elements will take effect not only in this specific view. You can otherwise, add a slide effect animation that moves the title to the desired postion with the condition that Control.IsVisible(57).
I was wondering how did you get the rating-stars overthere? I assume you did it by modifying View_523_Netflix.xml ? I do not get it done properly.
Second question: in the View_57_BigPanel view I do have a footer. Like in the second image. My mediaflags are at the left in the footer. They block the title in the middle now. How can I move the title to the right? The rating and so on are already removed.