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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps
Does anyone by any chance have a copy of the css for comingepisodes-minimal-banner.css that doesn't use inherit properties from comingepisodes.css?

And is the only difference between min banners and posters the title of each episode being there for one and not for the other?

EDIT: Never mind I got it working. Forgot it relied on your current SB setting..
gugahoi Wrote:There are tons of instructions through the thread! I realise it's a huge thread and I don't expect anyone to have to read through all of that. We are also unable to modify the 1st post as Nick has been inaccessible for a very long time! you can always ask if you need help and I'm sure someone around here is gonna help you out.

When I installed it on a Win7 I used XAMPP. To activate cURL and others you can google cause that is not hard. However, The Uniform Server seems to come with everything out of the box, so I would advise that instead. It's just a matter of installing the Web Server and doing a git pull or a regular download in your htdocs or www folder. Not much harder than the programs that are being used by this program in my opinion. If you think there is an easier way, please, I am all ears. Oh and by the way, there is an initial check to check is some of the main components are available otherwise it won't let you go on until you activate them (again, normally a simple google search would do, but you can always ask here). Furthermore Mar22z has implemented MediaFrontPage into his Lazy Admin script which automates the installation of virtually all the programs!
In that case it might be worth while consolidating these instructions into a more user friendly guide. I can't be the only one who looked at the first post and was left feeling Huh And since the first page deals exclusively with feedback and comments it's not clear at all that this tool is cross-platform or that instructions to install exist if one is willing to trudge through the thread. It's also offputting for noobs like me when phrases like "doing a git pull" are thrown about in a way that suggests I should know what they mean. Perhaps if a guide was forthcoming it could contain signposts for those of us unfamiliar with all the jargon used. An "idiot's guide to..." in other words. Blush
RaNaMaster Wrote:i uploaded xampp for you guys with mfp just use it. it has mfp loaded all you have to do it download it http://www.speedyshare.com/files/2981031...pplite.zip

hey, I downloaded your zip, unzipped it, then ran setup_xampp. Now I've got a XAMPP control panel application window. What do I do now?
TheStretchedElf Wrote:hey, I downloaded your zip, unzipped it, then ran setup_xampp. Now I've got a XAMPP control panel application window. What do I do now?

extract xampplite.zip to c:\ after that run C:\xampplite\xampp-control.exe and start the apache server and your good to go in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome type in http://localhost/ and start configuring MFP easy as that. let me know if it worked for you
RaNaMaster Wrote:extract xampplite.zip to c:\ after that run C:\xampplite\xampp-control.exe and start the apache server and your good to go in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome type in http://localhost/ and start configuring MFP easy as that. let me know if it worked for you

Thanks. I've got MFP up and running and I'm just going through the settings now. True to form I'm stuck at the first hurdle... how do I determine my "XMBC IP"?
HeHe. This is funny stuff.
Load your routers config page and it will list all your IP address. If you only have 1 PC running everything, you can use http://localhost
The Port's for all the programs are specified usually in the settings pages.

I'm going to PM you about this...
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
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I'm figuring things out bit by bit, but I'm still finding a lot of it to be worded somewhat counter-intuitive. For example, hovering over Hard Drives in config tells me that hard drive name must be "the name in MFP". Er, ok. It's like writing an instruction manual for people who already know what they are doing and thus don't need it. It's very frustrating.
Quote:It does not matter what system it is running on, but you need to know where your media is stored on your HDD's.

The name in MFP you want the Drive to be called...

ID your Drive -> Drive Letter

Movies -> D:
TV Shows -> E:

If you only have one extra drive for media -

Media -> E:

Can I make a request with the update page...?
At the moment, it 'green ticks' them which is perfect - the only issue I see is the ugly pop alert box (Update Finished).
Can we use the JQuery thingy that appears and vanishes saying update complete, waits 5 seconds and redirects back to settings.php#ABOUT displaying the new commit numbers?

When the update finishes at the moment it just stays on that page.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
Home Page - Repo - Bug Tracker - Support Forum.
on the mfp setting page is there anyway we can put a password on that and make it different then the one used to login to mfp=)
RaNaMaster Wrote:mfp setting page is there anyway we can put a password on that and make it different then the on used to login to mfp=)

Sure it could be done. Shouldn't be too hard unless there are complications Tongue
Auto-Update is now working on my Repo.
Awesome work Gugahoi. Fantastic that this now works perfectly - I still think this should be added...
Going to try to attempt the pnotify thingy.
Can I make a request with the update page...?
At the moment, it 'green ticks' them which is perfect - the only issue I see is the ugly pop alert box (Update Finished).
Can we use the JQuery thingy that appears and vanishes saying update complete, waits 5 seconds and redirects back to settings.php#ABOUT displaying the new commit numbers?

When the update finishes at the moment it just stays on that page.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
Home Page - Repo - Bug Tracker - Support Forum.
for all of the user who use ipad/iphones i found this it can play back subsonic music from the web http://code.google.com/p/subtunes/downloads/list enjoy
When I try auto update, the zip file downloads but I get an AJAX error when it tries to unzip.

But look! A clue!
[Fri Aug 12 10:45:38 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an
open_basedir is set in /srv/http/update.php on line 107, referer:
[Fri Aug 12 10:45:42 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function dl() in /srv/http/update.php on line 7, referer:

I remember that open_basedir from playing with php settings to get the hard drive space widget to work, but my memory is getting hazy in my old age.

If anyone has any hints for me before I get back from work I'd appreciate it. I'm running:

Arch Linux 3.0 kernel
Apache 2.2.19-1
php 5.3.6-5
I'm guessing here, but check to make sure your PHP.ini can extract zip files.

Quote:PHP 5+: Zip functions is not enabled by default, so the php_zip.dll and the ZZIPlib library must be downloaded from the link above. php_zip.dll must be enabled inside of php.ini.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
Home Page - Repo - Bug Tracker - Support Forum.
I think black_modern_glass should be black_velvet? In settings.php it is name black_modern_glass but in the css folder black_velvet so it doesn't work.. Or an I missing something?

DejaVu's repo seems to be correct though..
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