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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps
el_cabong Wrote:@ _Mikie_

That sounds perfect, I just need the ability to add pages, I didnt know if you meant it would be hard coded for 4 pages or expandable.

Thanks again for your work and support

If you want to check out my repo (link in my signature) I have made most of the changes. There as still some cosmetic things I want to change as it looks messy and some files need to move to folders but the basics are there. If you find any bugs let me know.

deja, just was curious if you had any feedback on the api so far
tom101 Wrote:You're right, it still doesn't work. My O/S is Debian. It's running on a Buffalo Linkstation NAS. I can see the widgets, just no content from them. Are there any other logs you think I should be looking at?


I've seen this before and it turned out that Curl, even though installed, was not being loaded by php. You'll need to find your php.ini (not sure where it is on your NAS, on Ubuntu it's at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini).
Open the php.ini and find the "Dynamic Extensions" section and make sure that under it, that it says
Restart apache and see if it worked.
Also, didn't see your earlier posts, but are you doing any sort of reverse proxying or have mod-security/mod-evasive enabled? Those might be causing some of the issues as well.
Thanks for your help. You were right about the line 'extension=curl.so' being missing from php.ini, unfortunately it didn't resolve the problem. I also found this page to test the curl extension and it seems to be working OK. I don't know what reverse proxy or mod-security/mod-evasive are, so I guess I'm not using them.

Any other ideas?
tom101 Wrote:Thanks for your help. You were right about the line 'extension=curl.so' being missing from php.ini, unfortunately it didn't resolve the problem. I also found this page to test the curl extension and it seems to be working OK. I don't know what reverse proxy or mod-security/mod-evasive are, so I guess I'm not using them.

Any other ideas?

Is the directory writable by your webserver?
Hi guys, I'm looking for some people to test out repo. I have added some features the master doesn't and I want to make sure they all work.

1. Multiple pages
2. Turn widgets on/off for each page
3. Change the column width of each page
4. Change the length of some of the widgets.

If you have any suggestions or requests please let me know. I'm still not sure if I want to have a drop down list to change pages so if you can thing of a better solution please let me know.

_Mikie_ Wrote:Is the directory writable by your webserver?

Yes, in desperation I chmod 777 -R the whole www dir.

Actually I have it working now, I installed lighttpd webserver and it works fine with that so I guess there's something not quite right with my apache install (even though I uninstalled and reinstalled it)

Mediafrontpage looks like a very useful tool. Thanks again for all the help.
So is there currently any layouts for the iPad? I disabled the mobile site so I could see the full web page, but there doesn't seem to be any formatting when viewing and the page is like 3x wider than the iPad screen.
Thanks for any tips.
allen00se Wrote:So is there currently any layouts for the iPad? I disabled the mobile site so I could see the full web page, but there doesn't seem to be any formatting when viewing and the page is like 3x wider than the iPad screen.
Thanks for any tips.

There isn't currently one however Archigos was working on one at one stage I think. I'll find out for you Smile
Edit: Fixed problem was using IE8 and MS networked PC, did not update config.ini with pwds, manually edited the config files.

Also, when adding IP addresses instead of using localhost during configuration, use only the IP address without http://. (i.e. 192.168.x.x)

Note to self: do not try and get this setup using IE8 from a networked device, congure it locally using chrome/FF.

Issues - XBMC Library widget: XBMC's Json API did not respond?

Same message with Recent TV and Recent Movies.

Ubuntu 10.10
First time install
last updated 8/19/2011

Version number: OMG
_Mikie_ Wrote:There isn't currently one however Archigos was working on one at one stage I think. I'll find out for you Smile

--This is Mikie finding out for you-- Laugh
I'm still working on an iPad specific mobile page, but hit some snags awhile back and kind of forgot to continue working on it after last time I was sent to the hospital... I'll get back into looking at it in the next day or so... Any suggestions on how you think it should be displayed (think more towards the 'normal' mobile interface then a 'full blown' MFP)
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
Archigos Wrote:--This is Mikie finding out for you-- Laugh
I'm still working on an iPad specific mobile page, but hit some snags awhile back and kind of forgot to continue working on it after last time I was sent to the hospital... I'll get back into looking at it in the next day or so... Any suggestions on how you think it should be displayed (think more towards the 'normal' mobile interface then a 'full blown' MFP)

full blown would be nice so i dont need to pull my laptop out all the time
RaNaMaster Wrote:full blown would be nice so i dont need to pull my laptop out all the time

I remember trying 'full blown' was causing me many headaches though Sad I think it's something to do with part of the WebKit that Safari is based on (I was testing in Safari and Atomic, which is also based on WebKit)

I think I was going to focus on a 'current mobile version on steroids' (static layout, dynamic content) for now and attempt to slowly work it over to something that allows the widgets, etc. (customizable)
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
Is there a MFP version that has CP and SB and subsonic already laid out with the widgets?

I installed from the first post that was last updated 8/19/2011 and it only has the Sab widget (App). And that only shows idle, clicking on it does nothing (actually goes from idle to pause), coming episodes is empty, rather have movies there. With no CP I can't see what is on my wanted list or what is being snatched. Is there a user manual?

Also, when I click on movies, the bottom widget grows to display 800+ movies. It's quite large and ugly.
speed32219 Wrote:Is there a MFP version that has CP and SB and subsonic already laid out with the widgets?

I installed from the first post that was last updated 8/19/2011 and it only has the Sab widget (App). And that only shows idle, clicking on it does nothing (actually goes from idle to pause), coming episodes is empty, rather have movies there. With no CP I can't see what is on my wanted list or what is being snatched. Is there a user manual?

Also, when I click on movies, the bottom widget grows to display 800+ movies. It's quite large and ugly.

The widgets are 'laid out'... I'm guessing there was either an error in your layout.php or (most likely) a mis-understanding... you have to have CouchPotato, SickBeard, etc. installed PRIOR to utilizing them in MFP. Since they are individual projects/programs, there will never be a version of MFP that comes with them bundled in.

As far as the first post being updated, that's just for the post itself, the main repo that it references is updated multiple times a day between the developers.

If you provide some more details of your setup (what operating system, etc.) we can attempt to help more... or you can try checking on the main repo's wiki (until I officially announce the new wiki project on Sept. 1st). The main repo wiki is at this address.
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps9